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Ya’alon Hopes to Bring Kippot Srugot to Likud

It is no secret that while serving as IDF chief of staff, Moshe Ya’alon was well liked and respected by the dati leumi community and as such, Likud leaders are hopeful that he will succeed in bringing the dati leumi vote to the party.

During the past two years, since leaving the IDF, Ya’alon has maintained a good relationship with what is being described as the “moderate dati leumi community,” visiting communities in Israel, including in Yosh. He also visits IDF preparatory schools.

Likud officials are now hopeful that the former IDF commander will use his good standing to attract this voting community, especially trying to capitalize on the chasm that exists in the Bayit Yehudi Party, which is intended on being the new home for the dati leumi community.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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