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Israel: We Can’t Take it Any Longer

For eight years, southern area residents have been living with the threat of rocket attacks from Gaza, which have significantly increased following the implementation of the 2005 Disengagement Plan.

While homes are destroyed and children and their parents live in constant fear, it would appear that no one in a position of authority cares residents explain – with life in the other areas of Israel going on without interruption. Perhaps the painful cries of 10-year-old Yogev Gueta will change all this, just perhaps. The young boy’s pained panic-stricken face was captured by a photographer as his family’s Ashkelon home was badly damaged in rocket attack on Wednesday.

Yoav was seated with his dad Avraham when a Katyusha rocket slammed into their home. They ran to the safe room and when they emerged, it appears Yoav simply had as much as he can take, crying “it’s awful the Kassams. No more! No more! I can’t take it anymore! Avraham reports Yoav began to stutter incoherently and broke down in hysterics, uncontrollably crying.

Shiri, also 10, from an area kibbutz explains “I thought Chanukah vacation would be fun. We planned to visit friends and do some nice things but instead, I was home and my parents did not permit me to leave or travel anywhere. Actually, we spend a good part of the vacation in the sealed room waiting for rockets to land.”

According to Dr. Ron Lobel, the deputy director of Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon many many children are hit with hysteria and related symptoms due to the current situation, which in some is manifest by uncontrollable tremors and just spontaneously breaking down into tears.

On Wednesday, the southern area, Gaza-belt communities, the Greater Sderot Area, Ashkelon and Netivot were under fire with about 70 rockets of varying types striking communities, resulting in heavy property damage. MDA reported treating 57 people for hysteria, about one-half children.

One of the rockets struck the Mosher S’dot Negev home of Aryeh Lazar. The lives of Nitzan (8), Inbal (5), and Shai (4) were spared because they were in the safe room when the rocket landed Aryeh explained. Aryeh says it was a Chanukah miracle that no one in the family was injured or killed.

Then there is the Agentro family in Kibbutz Kfar Aza. Their home was hit during the night (Tuesday – Wednesday) by mortar rockets. Blocks from the roof were knocked out of place and they fell into the home, onto a bed of one of the children. “It was terrible. My daughter is scared for her life. Olmert slept like a baby and Barak is on television. They make promises that are never fulfilled!” stated Aryeh.

Avraham Gueta adds, “It cannot continue like this. We cannot live our lives. Children are afraid to go to school and we cannot go to work. We cannot conduct normal lives”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Restablish Gush Katif and let it grow. Punish severly Gaza towns at or near rocket attack sites
    by leveling them.

    Sugggest all Jews do more Talmud Torah, more davvening and more deeds of kindness. Be careful of ALL goy.

    Toddah rabbah,
    A goy, Gerry Mullen

  2. Some of Israel can’t take it any longer. However the people who control things are indifferent.

    Based on the secular press, the major concern of the ruling elite it that this might hurt them in the upcoming elections. It’s isn’t like North Tel Aviv (their equivalent of the residential part of midtown Manhattan) is being shelled. Hareidim worry because we see those in areas being attacked as part of “us” even though they tend to less frum and typically from different countries than us. THe elites see a “them”.

  3. The people who live there should try to move out and not pay any taxes to the government that won’t defend them. They should also hire soldiers who can bomb the places from where these attacks come and pay no attention to the media. There probably is no real solution for the unfortunate residents unless the army comes and defends them.

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