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YWN Eretz Yisrael Morning News Roundup – 12/24/08


*Today, Wednesday, is Gilad Shalit’s 913th day in Hamas captivity.

*Soldiers during the evening hours shot and killed three terrorists detected placing a bomb near the Gaza border, in the area of Netiv HaAsarah.

*00:18: Minister Eli Yishai was lightly injured in a vehicular accident on the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv Highway.

*02:30: Kassam rockets land near Nachal Oz.

*02:42: Kassam rockets and mortar shells fired into southern Israel.

*03:40: A number of Kassam rockets landed in the area near Zikim.

*Five rockets landed in S. Israel on Wednesday morning, including one in S. Ashkelon. A total of 14 rockets during the night.


*Rav Sholom Wolpe told Kol Chai Radio that a poll indicates he will receive 5% of the voting public, 6 seats in the 18th Knesset.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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