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Israel: Civil Suit for Trampling the Rights of Foreign National

Attorney Tami Blank is bringing a civil suit on behalf of an Asian national who was forcibly employed or more accurately imprisoned in the home of an eastern Jerusalem Arab resident for over a year. The woman was brought back to Israel with the Jerusalem residents from an Arab country, and locked in his home and forced to work as a domestic at a rate of NIS 1.5 and hour, less than 50 cents. According to Blank, her passport was taken away from her and she was forced to work seven days a week, 15 hours a day.

The woman finally made her way to police and she is now petitioning the Labor Court, seeking back payment and compensation for pain and suffering.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. This has been a problem not only in Israel (among rich Jews as well as rich Arabs), but throughout the middle east, and also in the United States (I believe someone was convicted recently under the anti-slavery statute for the same thing in the US).

    The world wide recession may reduce this since rich people will be under pressure to hire unemployed locals, rather than importing easy to exploit aliens for underdeveloped countries, and locals are harder to rip off.

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