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Letter to HaKadosh Baruch Hu

kosel.jpgIsrael Postal Authority officials report they receive hundreds, or even thousands of letters addressed to HaKadosh Baruch Hu, with some bearing a more accurate address, The Kosel.

Well, what might have begun possibly as a method of riding themselves of the notes and letters, burying them, has become a respectable ceremony and one such ceremony was held on Sunday.

The general-manager of the Postal Authority, Avi Hochman, arrived at the Kosel and met with Rav Shmuel Rabinowitz, Rav of the Kosel, and a dignified ceremony was held to bury the notes, letters and kvitlach.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. איך אנו נמצאים בש”ס, פוסקים, אגדה, קבלה וכו’ שהקב”ה רוצה בדואר ובקוויטלאך? אין מדותיו ב”ה כמדת הרב”עס שמשלכין להם פני”ם או קוויטלאך. בדעת הנשים וקטנים שמשליכין הדואר הזו, הכותל זה ביתו ית’ והוא מקבל שם פ”נים ועורך שם טי”סין. אפילו הקב”ה אומר “איך וויל זייען א רבי”

  2. I not understand why they burning the notes – is this being consider a respect? I thinking that to burn a notes is to destroy and not is right.

  3. #5 Do you think Hashem speaks “Ivrit”? Of course He understands all languages and Yiddish is superior to Ivrit which was made up by some irreligious Jew.

  4. I’m sick of how every single issue and news item ends up being a Machlokes.
    Before posting, ask yourself this question: Am I battling “Milchamtah Shel Torah” or am I venting my own insecure frustrations?
    If the latter, think hard and long before you hit the “submit” button.

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