According to aliyah officials, there was a 94% increase in the number of Israelis who decided to return home in 2008 as compared to earlier years. As a result, the Return Home 60 campaign will continue in 2009.
8,800 Israelis returned home as compared to 4,500 in earlier years. Absorption Ministry officials expect the number to climb to 12,000 in 2009. Much of the success is attributed to tax reforms towards relaxing tax demands for home-comers as well as the global economic crisis.
As a result of the success, senior treasury official Rom Belinkov has decided to extend the program for 2009, allocating NIS 50 million for health benefits for returning Israelis, professional job and other counseling, and other perks for returning researchers and scientists.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)