In the last graduating class of the IAF, there were no kibbutz residents, a visible sign as to the change in their commitment to the country as compared to past years, the daily Yisrael HaYom reports.
In this latest class however, the kibbutznikim returned. In the 1980s, they represented about 30% of the graduating class. That number dropped to 20% by the end of the 1990s, 16% in 2002, 10% in 2005, and 9% in 2006. In Thursday’s graduating class, the kibbutznikim represent 7.5%.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
One Response
The overrepresentation of kibbutznikim was a symptom of the overrepresenation of the Israeli elites (secular, Ashkenazim), and the underrepresentation of Sefardim and religious (just compare the number of officers with kippas to the number of chiefs of the general staff with kippas).