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A Look at Some of the Areas Under the Threat of Hamas Rocket Fire

kassam1.jpgThe list of cities and municipalities under threat of Hamas rocket fire has grown significantly over the past six months. Reports constantly mention townships and regional councils, but few are actually aware of their size and other pertinent information.

Following is list describing some of the communities, their size and their level of preparedness to endure rocket fire from Gaza.

Gadera – population 17,400

The community has a public address system but it is not connected to the Color Red warning system. No preparations to protect the community have been made to date. The IDF Homefront Command has not yet entered the community to instruct residents as how to act in the event of an attack. There are bomb shelters only in schools, no safe rooms or fortified shelters.

Yoav Regional Council – population 5,300

There is a public address system and the council is connected to the Color Red system. No special measures have been taken to prepare residents for attacks. The Homefront Command has begun distributing information flyers. There are bomb shelters only in schools, no safe rooms or fortified shelters.

Kiryat Malachi – population 19,700

There is a public address system and residents are connected to the Color Red system. The army has distributed information to residents but no special measures have been taken. There are bomb shelters only in schools, no safe rooms or fortified shelters.

Sapir Regional Council – population 10,000

There is a public address system and the council is connected to the Color Red system. No special measures have been taken to prepare residents for attacks. The Homefront Command has begun distributing information flyers. There are bomb shelters only in schools, no safe rooms or fortified shelters.

Kiryat Gat – population 48,000

There is a public address system and the council is connected to the Color Red system. No special measures have been taken to prepare residents for attacks. The Homefront Command has begun distributing information flyers. There are bomb shelters only in schools, no safe rooms or fortified shelters.

Yavne – population 32,000

There is a public address system and the council is connected to the Color Red system. No special measures have been taken to prepare residents for attacks. The Homefront Command has begun distributing information flyers. There are bomb shelters only in schools, no safe rooms or fortified shelters.

Be’er Tuvia Regional Council – population 19,000

There is a public address system and the council is connected to the Color Red system. No special measures have been taken to prepare residents for attacks. The Homefront Command has begun distributing information flyers. There are bomb shelters only in schools, no safe rooms or fortified shelters.

Ashdod – population 220,000

It is connected to the Color Red system. Preparations opening and readying public bomb shelters are complete. There are bomb shelters only in schools, no safe rooms or fortified shelters.

Ashkelon – population 110,000

It is connected to the Color Red system. Preparations opening and readying public bomb shelters are complete. There are bomb shelters only in schools, no safe rooms or fortified shelters.

Ashkelon Coast Regional Council – population 13,000

It is connected to the Color Red system. Preparations opening and readying public bomb shelters are complete. There are bomb shelters only in schools, no safe rooms or fortified shelters.

Sderot – population 19,400

It is connected to the Color Red warning system. Has been under fire for years. Has the most advanced protection offered by the government today.

S’dot HaNegev Regional Council – population 7,500

It is connected to the Color Red warning system. Has been under fire for years. Has the most advanced protection offered by the government today.

Netivot – population 26,000

It is connected to the Color Red warning system. Has been under fire for years. Has advanced protection today but no safe rooms.

Eshkol Regional Council – population 10,000

It is connected to the Color Red warning system. Has been under fire for years. Has the most advanced protection offered by the government today.

Merchavim Regional Council – population 9,700

Not connected to Color Red warning system. Only has a limited number of bomb shelters. The IDF has distributed information to residents. There are bomb shelters only in schools, no safe rooms or fortified shelters.

Ofakim – 27,700

It is connected to the Color Red warning system. Preliminary work is underway to ready public bomb shelters. Residents have received instruction from the IDF. There are bomb shelters only in schools, no safe rooms or fortified shelters.

Shar HaNegev Regional Council – population 5,000

It is connected to the Color Red warning system. Has been under fire for years. Has the most advanced protection offered by the government today.

Beersheva – population 187,000

It has a public address system but is not connected to the Color Red warning system. On Sunday, work to begin inspecting public bomb shelters began. The army has not distributed instruction material to residents. There are bomb shelters only in schools, no safe rooms or fortified shelters.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. I hope the Rabbonim in all these places are organizing mass tefillos, or at least encouraging individual tefillos. Some of these places have important kivrei tzaddikim, Rabban Gamliel in Yavneh, the Baba Sali in Netivot, R’ Chaim Vital (allegedly) in Kiryat Malachi. Let us all daven for genuine lasting peace.

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