Shocking: Neturei Karta Knows Reason For Mumbai Terror

nk.jpgThe following article arrears on the Ynet News website: 

An article published this weekend in a leaflet distributed by anti-Zionist ultra-Orthodox stream Neturei Karta asserted that the terror attack on the Chabad House in Mumbai was a punishment from God for the organization’s collaboration with Zionist Israelis.

Six Jews were killed in the attack three weeks ago, including the two Chabad emissaries to the Indian city.

According to the article, Chabad was rightfully punished for its relations with “the filthy, deplorable traitors – the cursed Zionists that are your friends.”

The writer went on to slam the Hasidic group for inviting to the emissaries’ funeral “villainous heads of state who uttered words of heresy and blasphemy.”

Chabad itself was imbued with “false national sentiment,” the article said, and the organization’s centers around the globe hosted religious Jews alongside secular ones without making any distinction “between good and evil, right and wrong, pure and impure, a Jew and a convert, a believer and a heretic.”

The conclusion, according to the writer, was that “the road you (Chabad) have taken is the road of death and it leads to doom, assimilation and the uprooting of the Torah.”

63 Responses

  1. maybe they also know why mashiach hasn’t come yet? how can anyone listen to their foolishness? and they take pictures hugging arabs!! nothing they write about should be in ywn.

  2. Again Rachmona Litzlan these Yidden who are ment to be learned and educated in the Derech Hatorah Show how they have no Sichel…
    in any event this Group is so Krum it makes me sick…
    they should Read the sefer Eim Habonim Semichah maybe they will get a bit educated…

  3. I don’t think that the opinion of a few people on the fringe of lunacy is worth posting or worth our time reading. We all have our reservations and feelings already and it only instills more sinah belibainu.
    More importantly, the pain that all these families are experiencing is deep and horrible and I hope that they don’t find out about this blasphemy and sinas chinam being hurled at nobody in particular.

  4. For anyone to play G-d is so conceited.

    It sounds like an attention-getter, similar to some factions throwing shoes at Presidents.

    Yitamu CHATOIM min ha’aretz.
    HASHEM Yivarech es amo ba’Shalom

  5. “Chabad itself was imbued with ‘false national sentiment,’ the article said, and the organization’s centers around the globe hosted religious Jews alongside secular ones without making any distinction ‘between good and evil, right and wrong, pure and impure, a Jew and a convert, a believer and a heretic.'”

    With these words NETUREI KARTA hereby CLEARLY ADMITTED THAT THEY ARE NOT JEWS, or at the very least, they are a secular group. Otherwise they wouldn’t stand alongside their evil, impure non-Jewish friends.

  6. Perhaps this article should be in the Boruch Dayan Emmes section.

    Or at the very least we should be saying Misheberachs for these Cholim. A disease of the mind is nonetheless a disease, these are clearly sick Yidden who have been infected with something they picked up in Iran. We should all be praying for a Refuah Shelema for every Jew who is a member of Neturei Karta. Anger is not helpful.

  7. Instead of just posting comments about these evil doers we can do something to stop them. being that only hashem can eradicate this evil we should have them (NETUREI KARTA) in mind when we say v’lamalshinim and hopefuly he will hear our tifilos and finally crush them Amen

  8. i wont read ywn any more after they put this idiocy on their site. we all know there are jew haters (hopefully only goyim) but dont cause MORE machlokes by instigating yiddishe people with these articles. i’ll say tehillim for neturai karta AND the ywn editors.

  9. Show us the Article YWN, if true, this YWN news-blog is giving credence to those who don;t fit in the rubric of K’lal Yisroel.

    Enough written.

  10. While it may be true that Zioism is anti-Torah,secular and cultural,5the followers are still Jews,B’nei Yisroel. The leaders and founders,just like the reformers of 200 years ago,were the real sinners by misleading innocent people,many uneducated.The followers are “tinokos sh’nishbe’u and are still G-D’s children We must reach ouit to them with ahavas Yisroel even though we vehemently reject their way of life. Those of us who know better,are we really better Jews? Is our Yiddishkeit really emmess?? We must all improve ourselves every day and also be good role models to others. We do not know why Hashem allowed this tragedy to occur and we never will.Moshe Rabbeinu did not understand why evil people get away with murder and why innocent people suffer. When any sad event happens in the world,to Jews and non-Jews alike,we must wake up.

  11. These NK people are way beyond sick/insane and need to be treated as war criminals by Israel for giving aid and comfort to our enemies. They all belong either in an mental institution or in jail. HOW DARE THEY SAY SUCH THINGS ABOUT CHABAD!!

  12. One can argue that by allying ourselves with the secular zionists in their goal to drive the Muslims out of part of the middle east, and establish a place free for all their secular perversions, we have made ourselves into an enemy of the Muslims. This is how politics works in Olam ha-Zeh, and has nothing to do divine intervention.

    The war started with the zionists switched from trying to build up the Jewish community in Eretz Yisrael, to imposting a secular, socialist community in which Muslims would be merely tolerated. After De Haan was murdered by the zionist, the gedolim stopped serious opposition and focused on survival. NK is a throwback to the previous policy.

  13. 21, I can’t countenance the 21st century NK having any connection to earlier forms.
    And I don’t understand it, for all the logical reasons e.g. 9, but does this mean that any attack on Jews anywhere in the world, not just Israel, is due to Zionism?


  15. I think the title should read “Unfortunately – Neturei Karta’s absurd and ludicrous take on the Mumbai Massacre”. There is nothing “shocking” about their warped and destructive ideas! And the only “reason” they could claim to “know” about Hashem’s “punishment” – is that they (NK) go AGAINST Klal Yisroel and its Gedolim!!! And side with our enemies…

  16. To #21,

    I was wondering the same thing. How can NK equate heretics with converts. Shame on them. They are truly lost. May Hashem cure them from their sickness of sinas chinam.

  17. I fault YWN for bringing this article to the attn. of the frum community. This is like what the leftists did after the assasination of Rabin, they blamed the whole right wing on the actions of one individual. I am very right wing but posting such a crazy article makes me wonder if YWN wants to discredit the whole right wing philosophy? We don’t agree with people who blame innocents for their own demise, but that doesn’t mean we have to go crying to the Tzionim to protect us. There is only one protector and obviously he is trying to send us a message through these terrorists in Bombay. We all have to improve in our keeping of the torah and mitzvos.

  18. Editor – why did you feel it necessary to post this shtuss as a genuine news article? (I’m not being sarcastic; I truly want to understand.) This seems, to me, to be nothing more than the ravings of a lunatic, and does not deserve any more attention than they already get. It also feels like a desecration of the heilige neshamos who were niftar.

  19. YRN editor, why is this posted as an article?
    Yes, of course it goes against what just about every one of us stands for, but it is merely an invitation for the olam to slam Yidden. whatever the stance we are supposed to have on Neturei Karta, is it not an example of lifnei iver to post such an article on your website?

    What happened in Mumbai to those kedoshim was horrible, and HKB”H alone knows the reason for it. May the family members and Kkal Yisroel find comfort in knowing it was all from HKB”H.

    I call on you Editor to please close this thread.

  20. ….organization’s centers around the globe hosted religious Jews alongside secular ones without making any distinction “between good and evil, right and wrong, pure and impure, a Jew and a convert, a believer and a heretic.”


  21. Neturei Karta – (Aramaic Literally, “keepers of the gates.”) (so called – “Jews against Zionism”) A tiny sect of fanatic ultra-orthodox anti-Zionist Jews who do not recognize the state of Israel. They claim that the Jewish state can only be formed when the Messiah comes.

    The Neturei Karta are estimated as having about 5,000 members in Israel and sympathizers and members abroad. They are allied with the Satmar Hassidim and have an ideology similar to that of the Vienna anti-Zionist group ( see True Torah Nazis).

    Most Neturei Karta are descendants of Hungarian Jews who settled in the Old City of Jerusalem in the early nineteenth century. Like most other orthodox Jews of that period, they devoted most of their time to studying the Talmud and other sacred texts and lived from the Halukah (meaning “distribution), charity collected by professional fund raisers in the Diaspora. The charity was distributed to “Kolelim” communities that run soup kitchens and maintain these perpetual Yeshiva students for the most part in abject poverty. Together with other Jews, they migrated out of the Old city to the immediately adjacent “Meah Shearim” neighborhood, where they settled in the “Hungarian Houses” – Batei Ungarn.

    The way of life of the Neturei Karta , along with other ultra-orthodox Jews, was considered a disgrace by Zionists, who attempted to teach the “old community” Jews to be self-reliant and do productive work. In fact, that was the object of migration from the old city, since it was not possible to make a living within the walled city. The Neturei Karta objected to the Zionist ethos of productive occupation. Zionist appeals for support for the Yishuv competed with the activities of the fund raisers for the Kolelim, and Zionist ridicule of their penurious way of life as “parasitic” did not make it easier for them to raise funds abroad. More than most other ultra-orthodox Jews, such as Agudath Yisrael. Neturei Karta objected to Zionist aims of founding a state before the coming of the Messiah. To bolster their opposition, they cite tractate Ketuboth, verse 111 of the Talmud, which is interpreted as forbidding strife with gentiles in order to form a Jewish state, on the grounds that the destruction of the temple is a punishment from God, which would be rescinded by God. They further rely on an apocryphal legend, according to which God, the Jewish People, and the gentile nations of the world made a pact when the Jews were sent into exile. Under the pact, Jews would not rebel against the non-Jewish world that gave them sanctuary and Jews would not immigrate as a group to the Land of Israel. In return, the gentile nations promised not to persecute the Jews too harshly. Neglecting the history of persecution of the Jews, which many say voided this pact, Neturei Karta argue that by rebelling against the pact, Jews were rebelling against God.

    This attitude, despite the pretensions of the Neturei Karteh, probably has no basis in pre-Zionist Jewish exilic tradition, though the occasion of mass immigration of Jews to the land of Israel or concerted Jewish rebellion against gentiles did not arise very often. It was certainly not a tradition of Sephardic Jews, and opposition to settlement in Israel was not known before the rise of Zionism. Numerous groups of Jews, including Kabalists and other ultra-orthodox Jews, came to live in the land of Israel, and pious rabbis encouraged their followers to live there as well. With the rise of Zionism, most of the Orthodox world remained aloof from it or opposed it as impractical or dangerous. The injunction against rebellion was generally held by ultra-Orthodox Jews to be a caution against repeating the disastrous rebellion of Bar Kochba. Agudath Yisrael argued against the formation of the state to members of UNSCOP sent to investigate the situation in Palestine after World War II. However, when the State of Israel was founded, most ultra-orthodox Jews took an attitude of cautious cooperation with Zionism, without becoming Zionists. The attitude of Agudath Yisrael and similar sects is that the state is no better or worse than gentile governments, and since it contains a large body of Jews, their mission must be to ensure that those Jews follow religious commandments.

    However, when the state was founded, Neturei Karta became virulently anti-Zionist. Their attacks against Israel and Zionism became increasingly extreme, especially under the leadership of the notorious Rabbi Amram Blau and his wife, a convert. An extreme element of the Neturei Karteh represented by Rabbi Moshe Hirsh, their self appointed “Foreign Minister,” declared that it would rather live under the rule of King Hussein of Jordan. When the Palestinian Authority was established, Hirsh became Yasser Arafat’s “Minister for Jewish Affairs.” The post was eventually discontinued when Palestinians explained to Arafat that Hirsh was a figure of fun. However, it is claimed that documents captured by the IDF in operation defensive shield indicate that Hirsh received at least $55,000 in payments from the Palestine Authority.

    Neturei Karta Moshe Hirsh with Yasser Arafat

    Neturei Karta and other ultra-orthodox Jews differ from Orthodox Zionist Jews in their use of Hebrew and the importance they give to different Jewish holy books. Orthodox Zionist Jews emphasize the Tanach – the Old Testament including the Torah – as the source of empowering authority and the cultural heritage of the Jewish people rooted in the land, and they speak Hebrew in daily life. Neturei Karta and other ultra-orthodox Jews rely on the Talmud and later commentaries as the main sources of scriptural authority. Ironically, they call themselves “True Torah Jews.” Neturei Karteh, Satmar and some of the other extreme ultra-orthodox groups do not speak Hebrew in every day conversation, reserving its use as a “holy tongue.” They speak Yiddish, and they may be far more fluent in Talmudic Aramaic and Yiddish than in Hebrew.

    Neturei Karta and their allies regularly hold demonstrations vilifying Israel.( NOT Eretz Yisroel or Jews) Appropriating for themselves the title of “True Torah Jews,” their Web sites claim that Zionism is “heresy” but do not provide a seriously reasoned argument for their claim. They also claim falsely that Zionists deliberately condemned Jews to die in Nazi gas chambers, rather than let them immigrate to destinations other than Palestine. Other anti-Zionists take the Zionist organization to task for saving anti-Zionist Jews such as Rav (rebbe)Yoel Teitelbaum, head of the Satmar sect. In Austria, an allied Jewish sect consorts with neo-Nazis. ( see True Torah Nazis ).

    Anti-Zionists and anti-Semites magnify the importance of this tiny sect and the supposed authority of their rabbis. “Progressive” groups laud this reactionary coven of fanatics. The claim that their view is the traditional one of rabbinical Judaism does not seem to coincide with the facts. Agudath Yisrael was officially neutral about Zionism, though opposed to the mostly secular Zionist establishment and to formation of a state Throughout Numerous rabbis came to holy land or urged their followers to do so. The Neturei Karta claim that Zionism is heretical is very dubious because there is no central rabbinical authority in Judaism, and whatever authority there is does not rest with them. The Talmudic injunction was not a commandment or consensual Halachah and was certainly not a central tenet of Judaism such as the existence of God.

    The name of Jacob Israel de Haan and his fate has somehow become associated with the Neturei Karteh, possibly because the story associated with him is unfavorable to Zionism. De Haan was never a member of the Neturei Karteh. De Haan was a gifted Orthodox Dutch Jewish poet and journalist, . He emigrated to the land of Palestine (Israel) in 1919, where he was at first an ardent Zionist. He defended Ze’ev Jabotinsky when the later was tried by the British for defending Jews during the Arab riots of 1920. Subsequently however, de Haan became an anti-Zionist and a sympathizer of Agudath Yisrael . He agitated against Zionism and sent back anti-Zionist dispatches. He was becoming an embarrassment to the British as well as the Zionists. He was murdered in 1924, very probably by the Haganah for unknown reasons, possibly involving betrayal of Haganah members to the British or possibly because he was about to disclose embezzlement of funds.

  22. There was absolutely nothing to be gained by anyone by YWN’s decision to post this. It’s like taking all the heartfelt articles and posts about achdus and tossing them in the garbage. It is a disgrace to the memory of the Kedoshim.

    YWN, hang your head(s) in shame for giving credibility to these idiots, and making the frum world look idiotic to all the rest of the world, because don’t think they don’t pick up on these threads!

  23. I really don’t understand why you are all so shocked.

    These guys are just taking the Satmar Rebbe’s assertion that Hitler Y”S came because of the Zionists, one degree further

  24. As I write this the score is:

    36 commenters disgusted by NK

    1 (akurpma) saying that NK doesn’t have it exactly right, but they do have a point. (comment #21)

  25. So. Embracing/kissing/shaking hands with the generation’s prototypical anti Semites makes one a yid, while trying one’s best to be mekarev Yiddishe rechoikim to Toras HaShem makes one a goy, or at the very least a shaygatz.

    Know what fardreit means?

    On the other side of the coin, dear YWN publisher, “freedom of the press” is a clause in the American Constitution, but is not a hetair for causing sinas chinom. Sinas chinom will not be mekarev the ge’ulah. Please don’t print any more threads like this one. Please print more articles that promote ahavas Yisroel instead. That just might be mekarev the ge’ulah. Thanks for hearing me out.

  26. Oy, Mr. YWEditor, you still have that nauseating picture of the Yid hugging and kissing the President of Iran? Yuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. #21 akuperma,

    Everything has to do with divine intervention. Period.
    Second of all, they have absolutely nothing to do with Rabbi Dr. Yakov Dehan HY”D, who was killed by the anti Torah zionist. Dr. Dehan worked only with the guidance and leadership of Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld. Although they wanted E”Y to be a jordanian state with a Jordanian king and laws allowing Jews to learn daven and be oved Hashem, they never would have spewed the venom and poison that today’s self appointed NK people do.

  28. I agree with Yanke55 and tip of the hat to Slandy for emphasizing the importance of focusing on the good rather than on the unfortunate. So many strong ideas, but has anyone actually researched the Halachah or consulted a Posek on the matter? or is that irrelevant.

  29. When one jew wishes upon another jew harm, and in this case also justifying the punishment, he doesn’t deserve to even be called a Jew. These people that died al kiddush hashem, are the ultimate example of what Jews should live up to, this aminal who kisses the same arab who wants to blow him up deserves a taste of his own medicine. We are known to be a nation of rachmanim bnei rachmanim and when an arrogant and ignorant individual talks like this, he deserves to be ousted from the jewish community and be spit upon every time we see him.

  30. why do you print this garbage ? by the way weiss went to yeshivas chasam sofer and looked normal years ago his mother lives in flatbush with normal looking siblings none belong to satmar was brainwashed not so long ago

  31. Boring and attention seeking people.
    Ruach hakodesh were given to todays deranged.
    Only when there is a loud outburst against these ‘sonei yisroel’ will the issue of NK disappear.

  32. No 35.. Please —-Lets get our facts right
    .The group calling themselves Neturei Karta have maybe 200 members worldwide. Thats it.

  33. #50, it’s far less than 200, because this group has no connection to the actual Neturei Karta. NK itself is also way down in membership, because people who might otherwise affiliate themselves with it are ashamed to do so, because of these nuts. Those people who openly identify themselves with NK are maybe 200, but the nuts who give them a bad name are only about 30. From what I’ve heard, Moshe Hirsh doesn’t dare show his face in the NK beis medrash (Torah Veyir’ah? some name like that), for fear of his life.

    It’s sad, to see how far these people have come from the derech of R Amram Bloi, z”l.

  34. Even if these jew impersonators are correctin their assessment – Maasai tub’u b’yam v’atem omrim shira. I wouldn’t describe their reaction as “V’halachta B’drachav”

  35. There were errors corrected by YNET. The Hebrew term mumar does not mean convert/ger. It means someone who joins another religion. It can be argued that as long as Chabad is going to take an aggressive stand on behalf of the State of Israel, it puts its own people, and all haredi-looking people at risk. Therefore, anyone affiliating with Chabad is putting himself at risk as well. Plus, can you really imagine any anti-Zionist visiting a Chabad center knowing the history? Something doesn’t make sense in this story about Leibush Teitelbaum!

  36. The Lubavitcher Rebbe has taught us Love every Jew, all Jews are equal, all Jews are good zionists, anti Zionists, it does not matter, Viohavta Lirayachah kamochah, if we have true Ahvas Yisroel then hopefully Moshiach will be closer & come.

  37. Why are we giving these delusional apicursim a medium on which to spew their hateful, anti-torah garbage?! YWN, please stop giving these attention seeking nutcases a way to show off their insanity.

    #51, you said it. NK itself probaly has 150 – 200 members, but these morons aren’t even NK. They’re so fringe that they’ve been rejected from the most extreme breakoff of NK. I’d be surprised if you could find more than a dozen fools who are stupid enough to believe all this. The problem is that these few ultra-extreme lunatics get lots of attention for the crazy things they say, even though they’re just a handful of insane and delusional fools.

  38. yanky 55-are you nuts?i am not a satmar but hav eyou no fear to defame a kodosh elyon?do you know that the satmar rebbe had giluyim while he would sleep?did you know he didnt lie on a be dfor 40 years?afra l’pumech.these neturei karta nuts have nothing to do with the satmar rebbe .have you seen a pictur eof the rebbe ztl?cherubic with a face like a child,becaus ehe didnt have all your aveiros.i advis ethat you go to his kever or send a shlaich to beg for mechilla.not one godol b’yisroel oppossed him allthough they were very against his policy.l’havdil other rebbes or gedolim who may have had their detractors.
    finally why does ywn print this trash it brings anti semitism and hatred for all frum yidden as many secular jews see no difference between them and the eida hacharedith and agudath yisroel

  39. You people call them fools,idiots,unlearned? you are all wrong! These animals(not meant to insult the 4 legged kind)are as bad as Hitler imach shmo. These animals are traitors in the worst way. What they do to the religion is MUTINY. These animals should have been in the Mumbai Chabad instead of the Heilege Kedoshim. H’Ynk domim. Does this sound too strong? Is this sinas chinom? I doubt it! Like comentator # 6 said.and let me finish the posuk” Irshuim Oid ainom” the Netrei Karta are included in this posuk. ENOUGH excusing them already! Theyre the same as the cursed zionists. zeh lemas zeh. I have no MERCY on them. By the way,Mrs Weiss does not live in Flatbush but Boro Park. and she is a kind and eidel,and normal woman. Nebach her sicko son became a”KID At Risk” a long time ago. and please dont associate Chsan Sofer with this lowlife. Because the old Mattersdorfer Rov Tzal would turn in his grave if he knew what this MADMAN is doing.

  40. BS”D

    Whichever Ku Klutz Kartel spokesman wrote this should go to a Chabad preschool, sit in the corner, and try to cut a dreidel out of felt using plastic scissors. When he is done with that, he can get hold of some tinfoil and make himself a triangular shtreimel.

    Oops, I forgot, that is what he does most of the day, but he’s too old for preschool so he does it in the bus shelter on rechov Malchei Yisroel.

  41. IN DEFENSE OF YWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Rabosi, many of you are angry with this website for posting the NK, yimach shimams (to the organization), wicked statements with the taana that YWN is giving them a mouth piece.

    I’d like to come to the defense of the website and present to you another way at looking at things.

    We learn in Hilchos Lashon Horah that it is Asur to give Dan L’kav Zechus to Rashaim and it is even a mitzah to show their faults (not to mention that Lashon Harah does not apply to them because they fall out of the category of Amisecha).

    I believe that every one of you would agree that their actions have caused them to fall into the gedar of Rishaim. Therefore, 1) it is mutar to show their wickedness and 2) it’s a mitzva to show examples of their wickedness so that people will stay fall away from them.

    Although I have not discussed this with Rabonim, I’m sure the YWN staff has taken the responsibility to, being that many shilos of Lashon Horah can come up with news issues.

    YWN has shown in the past that they are by no means friends of NK. It is obvious that YWN is just reporting the news without opinions.

    I think we are all disgusted with this group and embarrassed when people “assume” that they are considered legit in our eyes.

    Published: 09.25.08,

    –“Neturei Karta is a fringe ultra-Orthodox group formally created in 1935, that opposes Zionism and calls for the dismantling of the State of Israel on the grounds that they believe Jews are forbidden to have their own state until the coming of the Messiah”

    –“During the meeting members of the delegation presented the Iranian president with a $700 silver trophy as a sign of friendship.”

    I only wonder how I can get my hands on the $700 piece of silver that’s now sitting in haman’s house in teheran? Maybe we can use the money to help the almanos and yesomim of mumbai?

    maybe they have some sort of agreement with haman, where he signed the bottom of their shoes, that he owes them syria, jordan and lebanon, in exchange for the $700?

    That WOULD explain the recent throwing of middle eastern shoes, 😉

    I wonder how these guys would feel if they ran out of gas in the desert sun? Maybe they would start chaverim bamidbar?! How many iranians and iraqis y’think would sign up to help a fellow jew?

    h-Shem yerachem

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