Chabad Delegation Meets with Rav Kanievsky Shlita

k11.jpgChabad rabbonim and askanim are continuing their efforts, traveling to meet with Gedolei Torah towards their inclusion in the Shloshim for Kedoshei Mumbai event planned in Yerushalayim’s Har Chotzvim High Tech Park.

On Sunday, a delegation arrived on Rashbam Street in Bnei Brak, at the home of Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita. Among the delegation was Rav Yaruslovsky of the Chabad Beis Din, as well as Rav Zusha Horowitz, Rav Yosef Yitzchak Aaronoff, and prominent Chabad askan Yaakov Leibowitz. They spoke at length with the Rav Shlita regarding the planned event.

The report has appeared in a number of forums but gabba’im to Rav Kanievsky will not confirm or deny the accuracy of the reported meeting. Chabad officials preferred to decline comment.

The event is expected to attract a large crowd and Chabad is preparing a tent capable of holding 15,000 people. Other Gedolei Torah are expected to be in attendance as was reported earlier by YWN.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. The acdus of Jews at this time is critical. The tragedy at Mumbai, India is an opportunity for Hashem to hear the crying and pain of all Jews, whether religious or not. The last time in our history that Jews were ONE, we were redeemed from Egypt. We are on the brink of a lifetime opportunity. If we come together as ONE, nothing will hold us back from the ultimate redemption. May it come speedily in our time.

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