Greece Calls to Israel for Teargas Grenades

tgg.jpgGreek officials, who are dealing with widespread rioting, have turned to Germany and Israel for an urgent shipment of teargas grenades, explaining the supply of 4,600 has been exhausted since the start of the violence.

This is not the first Greek request for Israeli assistance. Last year, 55 firefighters were dispatched to assist in bringing a giant blaze under control. The firefighters received recognition a number of days ago in a ceremony held in the Greek embassy in Israel.

Israeli diplomatic officials in Greece stated it appears the Greek government made a request directly to private companies, explaining why Israeli diplomatic officials haven’t yet received official notice. They point out the request is logical for two reasons; Israel’s geographical proximity to Greece and the fact that Israel maintains a large stock of teargas grenades.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. BS”D

    And the yevonim are the first ones to condemn the use of force in EY.

    Let them pay four or five times the going rate and let Haaretz send a team of journalists to fabricate reportes about overuse of force against the hooligans in yovon!

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