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Livni: We Can’t Always Bring the Soldiers Home

gilad1.jpgLeaders of the movement to bring Gilad Shalit home met with Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, who they hoped was going to issue a retraction for a statement she released on Thursday, in which she said “We cannot always bring the soldiers home.”

Livni refused to retract her statement, explaining it was not a slip of the tongue but the truth. She explained that while it may be painful, the government always feels responsible to bring soldiers home, but is not always successful in doing so. She emphasized it is not a matter of wanting to or not, but despite all efforts, every soldier must know this is not always possible.

Members of the Shalit committee were angered by her statement but she remained adamant in her refusal to retract it. They added that the statement will negatively impact soldiers and new recruits as well.

Shalit supporters on Friday morning rallied outside the Prime Minister’s official Jerusalem residence as well as outside the foreign minister’s home.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

11 Responses

  1. Why should it be expected that the government of Israel manage to get one Jew out of prison; alive? What they can find doable is dragging Jews from their homes and releasing Arab Jew-killers from prison.

    After all, the Zionists do not flinch from any sacrifice for peace – no matter how many Jews die in their peace process.

  2. Boruch Hashem Livni was not able to form a government. My her stubborn refusal to live up to the standards of even the “worst” Prime Minister she has shown that she is not fit for this office. Her statements and proposed givebacks as well as “confidence building” prisoner releases without getting anything in return (with Olmert), have surprised even our staunchest allies. She deserves to be quickly forgotten after a better candidate is elected.

  3. I like a politican who saysitlikeitis.
    How about saying, “we can NOT always release terrorists, it is not good for our physical, mental and emotional health”.

  4. the government of israel has no shaychus to anything jewish
    if the highest opposition member running for elections can speak this way treating jewish soldiers as collateral human fodder and their lives not worth much besides being demoralizing to the soldiers themselves it shows the true colors of its leader
    pictures of soldiers dragging men woman children and babies out of their homes to please foreign governments or arab neighbors is reminisent of the nazis forcing all jews out of their homes forced to gather in the city square before being forced onto cattle trains
    its a sad day for the country as well as nation of israel when someone born to our faith can act ahd talk as israels current foreign minister tzpi livini

  5. all efforts INCLUDE transferring 100 million shekels to the terrorists as well as releasing hundreds of murderers and terrorist prisoners in exchange for NOTHING….justice will prevail, but not because of humankind, because of HASHEM…keep your eyes peeled!

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