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Chabad Shluchim Moving to Cellcom

An estimated 5,000 Chabad shluchim and their families will be moving from the Orange cellular telephone provider to Cellcom, Israel’s largest, after Orange raised rates. The new Orange plan would result in usage rates of 39 agorot a minutes while Cellcom has offered the shluchim a rate of 26 agorot.

Cellcom representatives have already begun to meet with shluchim to sign them up for the new package, which carries a monthly on-line fee of NIS 30. The plan also offers SMS text messaging at 15 agorot, a very inexpensive rate in Israel. There is also a package of 500 messages for NIS 7 a month.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. The plan also offers SMS text messaging at 15 agorot, a very inexpensive rate in Israel
    This means they do not use “kosher” phones!

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