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Israel: Court Releases Brauda to House Arrest

The Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday ordered the release of Chevron area resident Ze’ev Brauda, who police requested be held without bail. He is suspected of firing at and wounding Arabs during the expulsion of Jews from Bet HaShalom. Brauda has been maintaining that he fired in self-defense, compelled to use his weapon to save his life, to extricate himself from the violent Arab mob.

Justice Malka Aviv becomes the latest of the growing number of judges who had harsh words for the actions of police in Chevron, questioning police by the suspect was the only one arrested in the mayhem and violence that prevailed in Chevron pertaining to the matter at hand. She questioned why none of the Arabs involved in the incident were taken into custody.

Defense attorney Ariel Atari argued that his client was not at all involved in the skirmishes, and he went to the area where the event occurred to prevent his son from taking part in any inappropriate activity.

The state argued that the suspect opened fire at people and as such, poses a danger. The judge rejected the argument and ordered him released to house arrest.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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