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YWN Eretz Yisrael Evening News Roundup – 12/9/08


*15:15: A bus was targeted in a rock-throwing attack near Halhoul, north of Chevron. No injuries.

*16:33: Arabs in the area of Bet HaShalom in Chevron throwing rocks at Jewish vehicles. No injuries reported.


*The Eida Chareidis on Tuesday called for a rally at Kikar Shabbos in Yerushalayim to “Save Chareidi Education”. The rally got underway at 6:00PM.

*A police station near Akko was slightly damaged in a Tuesday morning firebomb attack which police believe is attributed to a crackdown on drug dealers.

*A small boat broke Israel’s marine blockade and docked in Gaza on Tuesday, becoming the fourth of eight boats to succeed in the mission. The passengers on the vessel explained their point was to highlight the injustice of the ongoing Israeli blockade.

*Former US President Jimmy Carter is visiting Lebanon and expressed a willingness to meet with Hizbullah representatives. Hizbullah refused.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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