Due to major computer failure in the new computerized voting system, some of the ballot boxes in the Likud primaries will operate for a second day, Tuesday.
In any event, the veteran party members emerged successful, beating out many of the new list of all-stars. Leading the list was Gideon Saar, followed by Gilad Erdan, Reuven Rivlin, Binyamin Begin, Moshe Kahlon, Silvan Shalom and Moshe Ya’alon. Moshe Feiglin won the 20th slot.
To compensate for the computer turmoil, voting stations remained open for an additional two hours on Monday night.
Last week, a similar occurrence took place in the Labor primaries, compelling the party to push off the election for another day. Kadima officials are now indicating that next week, they may opt to return to the paper ballot for the primary election.
Due to the computer difficulties and poor estimates regarding the computerized system, Likud members waited on line for hours but it appears many will be casting their ballot on Tuesday with the old paper ballot system. It was predicted voters would complete their touch-screen ballot in 3-4 minutes but in actuality, in many cases, it took more than twice that amount of time. In at least one case, the candidate was portrayed on the computer with a heavy beard even though he is clean shaven, an obvious glitch. Whatever the reason, all agree, the state-of-art system failed when brought to the test.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
2 Responses
Ha-Ikar : Feiglin is in!
He should have lots of SYATA DI SHMAYA!
It’s a new technology, so everyone is having problems with it. In five years people will be amazed by saying that it was troublesome in the pastg. In ten years, new voters (i.e. newly adult) won’t believe there was ever an alternative way to run an election.
P.S. to #1 – the real questions are: 1) will Feiglin’s relatively low position scare off those who are deciding between Likud and Kadima (I think not); 2) will Feiglin’s sucess attract enough votes from Bayit Yehudi (NRP/NU) to prevent them from crossing the threshold, which would probably result in Likud being forced to include either Labor, or perhaps Kadima, in its coalition (remember-three seats you in the knesset, two seats your votes are wasted)