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Preparing Additional Residents for Rocket Attacks

While the scheduled end of the virtual Gaza ceasefire is only weeks away, the end of December, the IDF’s Homefront Command and other officials are beginning to prepare the residents of Ashdod, Kiryat Gat and Kiryat Malachi to join the fate of the residents of the Greater Sderot Area, namely, preparing for Katyusha rockets.

IDF officials are aware the new-and-improved Hamas Grad Katyusha rockets can reach targets 30 kilometers (18 miles) from Gaza, significantly increasing the range of southern cities in danger. It appears the government views the attacks as a Heavenly decree, unable to stop them, taking only self-defense measures.

During Sunday’s major training preparedness exercise in the Shar HaNegev area, IDF Homefront Command officials distributed their pamphlet to residents of Ashdod, Kiryat Gat and Kiryat Malachi, instructing residents to clear their safe room and acquaint themselves with the nearest bomb shelters, they are also called upon to stock bottled water, canned foods and basics for the children, as well as first aid supplies. The instruction pamphlet explains that preparedness can significantly simplify dealing with the difficult situation, and in some cases, save lives.

The IDF recently completed activating the Color Red warning system in Ashdod, and Ashkelon Mayor Moti Malka confirms the speakers were installed atop City Hall last week, preparing to include the city in the rocket warning system.

At this point, officials also realize the capital of the Negev, Beersheva, is also facing a threat as the Hamas terrorists continue to expand the range of their deadly rockets.

In a related matter, Defense Minister Ehud Barak reportedly consulted with the ministry’s legal advisor seeking to obtain an opinion if firing into populated areas in northern Gaza is in line with international law. It appears the minister is more concerned with complying with international law than he is the basic law, of a government’s responsibility to defend its citizens.

The opinion given Barak states that artillery fire may be directed at rocket-launching cells in open areas, but only limited fire may be directed at populated areas and only after residents have been pre-warned and given ample time to leave their homes. In addition, carpet bombing open or populated areas is forbidden since artillery fire is too unpredictable and its results may be too devastating.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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