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Israel: Former Ampa Employees Protest

Former employees of Tadiran Ampa on Sunday came to the company’s Cholon plan seeking payment for November. Tens of laid off workers were on hand, and at one point, became angered and unruly, trying to push their way through the security gate, engaging in a confrontation with security personnel.

Company officials were uninterested in speaking with them, and a court-appointed receiver is already seeking to analyze the situation, to determine if the company can be saved or is it will be dismantled.

A court did order payment of the November salary, but it will take months, coming from Bituach Leumi, not from Ampa.

An announcement was made, that a NIS 2 million fund will be established, to assist former employee who are unable to find other jobs.

According to company employees, they are owed NIS 9 million in back wages for October and November, as well as for benefits, holiday pay and bonuses and severance pay.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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