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Arab MKs: We Will Continue the Marine Intifada

Arab MKs on Sunday announced they remain undeterred and despite the fact a ‘humanitarian boat’ was prevented from docking in Gaza again, they will continue the “marine Intifada” and they ultimately will succeed in breaking it and Israel’s policy regarding Gaza will be defeated.
The latest boat, the seventh in recent months, was to carry left-wing Israelis, Arab MKs and supporters as they continue efforts to bring assistance to Gaza and more importantly, to manipulate the international community to take action against Israel to bring an end to the embargo on Gaza.
Hamas officials announced on Sunday that their supply of diesel fuel for generators has been exhausted and electricity cuts are to be expected as Gaza will be plummeted into darkness due to Israel’s continue closure of Gaza crossings, once again seeking to compel the United Nations to act to pressure Israel to end the embargo.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. amazing — the UN is supposed to help save these animals from darkness…. but children that need to learn to run for cover in less than 10 seconds is not something the UN cares about! the arabs lived in tents and darkness for a long long time, let them continue— its harder to build bombs in the dark

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