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S. Israel Takes a Pounding – The Cabinet Continues to Talk

Nine Kassam rockets were fired at southern Israel on erev Shabbos and Friday night. The attacks continued over Shabbos and on motzei Shabbos, and of course, residents were not privileged to a hiatus on Sunday.
On Sunday, one rocket landed 100 meters (yards) from a school playground in Sderot and instead of resulting in damage to a paved street, the outcome chas v’sholom could have been catastrophic. Residents are questioning why another disaster must occur until ministers awaken, why a shopping center must be hit [again] with rocket fire before anyone stops and takes notice.
On Sunday morning, at the weekly cabinet meeting, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni were at odds, with Livni calling for a firm military response and Barak defending his integrity, rejecting the unwanted criticism, calling it “cheap electioneering” on Livni’s part.
Barak added that Livni is responsible for Israel’s image abroad and the colossal failure of her office is painfully apparent, since she failed to win over world opinion for Israel’s policy vis-à-vis the Gaza embargo.
True, the cabinet finally approved a NIS 695 million fortification plan but even if the decision is implemented, it will take a long time, not to mention the upcoming election in February, followed by the time period during which a new government coalition is established, and then of course, the change of leaders in the relative ministries. The cabinet decision by the way was compelled by the High Court, not a sudden change of heart by the prime minister, who for months has remained adamantly opposed to the plan.
The decision of the cabinet is to be applauded, but the residents chas v’sholom will endure endless months of attacks or warfare until the new fortification will become a reality – offering some protection for some residents.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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