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Automatic Defibrillator Law Stuck in Bureaucratic Red Tape

defib.jpgIsrael — The law calling for the placement of automatic defibrillators in public places passed in Knesset over four months ago but to date, the appropriate committee has yet to begin setting the parameters for implementation of the new law, which is intended to save lives.

The law calls for the placement of the machines in public places frequented by large numbers of people and inspectors from the Ministry of Industry & Trade would be responsible for maintaining them as required.

The committee was supposed to layout the details of the law within 60 days, and it has now been over 120 days and nothing is moving ahead.

Industry & Trade officials seem to be placing the blame on the Health Ministry, explaining that since we are dealing with the defibrillators, the process demands the approval of the health officials and it cannot embark on such a project unilaterally. As such, they turned to Health Ministry officials on 2 October and they have yet to receive a response.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. The entire point of the law was to wrestle control away from Hatzolo.

    Now that they achieved that (i.e. you cannot put deliberators anywhere w/o the red-tape) there’s no need to actually implement anything.

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