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Amidar Company Sells Haifa Shul to Haifa Arab

The Amidar Company, a quasi-government company aligned with the Housing Ministry, sold a Haifa shul and all its contents to an Arab.

The shul, located at 31 Jaffa Street in lower Haifa, was operating on a regular basis until six years ago. The shul was paying rent to Amidar.

After the shul ceased regular operations, it stopped paying rent as well, leading to Amidar’s decision to sell the building and its contents. This includes seforim and furniture, all sold to a local Arab.

According to a Hamodia report, the entrance to the shul is closed and welded shut, preventing anyone from entering. Neighbors report the aaron kodesh is still in the shul but it is empty. They admit they do not understand why the government company would sell to an Arab when there are Jews who expressed a desire to purchase the property. They add they are not aware of any organized tender that was announced to sell the property. They speculate that perhaps since a portion of the building once belonged to an Arab, an Arab may have first rights to a purchase.

Moshe Shtettman of the local religious council explains he has no knowledge of the sale and was not in any way involved. In addition, no one asked that the council see to it that the contents of the shul are removed.

Hamodia reports the newspaper was unable to obtain a response from Amidar officials.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel

One Response

  1. This as well as other reasons is why I have ceased donating to the JNF. The founders of this once wonderful organization would be turning over in their graves as to what their decendants who are at the helm are doing.

    No Shul should ever be given to any Arab/Muslim/Nazi who have no respect for the Jews or of our faith. I do not know why Israel is continuing to self-inflict herself as in an act of suicide in giving up what is Jewish and ours to those who support bomb belt terrorism and honor killing.

    NO MORE!!! The Jews need to take back all Shuls that have been given to the “infidels”.

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