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Seventh Embargo Busting Boat Tries to Dock in Gaza

To date, three of seven boats that tried to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza successfully docked in the Hamas-controlled area to bring relief supplies, but more importantly, to attract international attention in the hope of enlisting the international community against Israel.

On Sunday, another boat was heading to Gaza but it was turned back. Today’s boat, the seventh, was carrying left-wing Israeli activists and Arab MKs. The captain of the rented vessel told reporters he had no idea he was being hired to ferry the passengers and their cargo to Gaza. Police warned the boat owner, Itzik Avneri, explaining that according to the Disengagement Law, one is prohibited from entering Gaza without a permit from authorities. Police confiscated the vessel, angering the left-wingers and Arab MKs, who vow to return.

Arab MK Jamal Zahalka stated that he and his colleagues will not be deterred and they will continue trying to reach Gaza to bring humanitarian aid, planning to launch additional boats from Gaza, Europe and elsewhere.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Is Israel the only country in the world thas has members of the gov’t that openly break the laws? That should be grounds for immediate removal from parliment. Israel has become the laughing stock of the world, and we wonder why?

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