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Ministers Approve the List of Terrorists – More Good-Will

The Ministerial Committee on Prisoner Releases on Sunday morning approved the release of an additional 230 terrorists and “security prisoners” in another good-will gesture to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen). The list of prisoners presented to the cabinet was approved, removing the final obstacle to implementing the cabinet decision.

The original list of 250 was presented and 230 of those names were cleared, with government officials explaining the list does not include members of Hamas or terrorists with “blood on their hands” in an effort to justify yet another unilateral Israeli gesture to the PA.

The committee is headed by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, and also includes Public Security Minister Avi Dichter, Deputy Prime Minister Eli Yishai, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, Vice Premier Chaim Ramon, Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Justice Minister Daniel Friedman, Minister Rafi Eitan, and Defense Minister Ehud Barak.

Dichter objected to the release of 19 names, adding releasing them into Hamas-controlled Gaza renders any commitment to refrain from future acts of terror invalid. Yishai objected adamantly to the release, and he voted against it last week when it was presented to the cabinet.

Olmert explained that the release is in no way connected to the situation of imprisoned IDF soldier Gilad Shalit and efforts towards obtaining his release are ongoing.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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