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Israeli Police Bracing for a Difficult Day

mishh.jpgWhile the night was quiet, police are concerned that Friday may bring a day of renewed violence, closing down roads and rock attacks against security troops and Arabs in Yehuda and Shomron. Many supporters of Yehuda and Shomron are pained, with the feeling the violent actions of a minority has further delegitimized the settlement movement and perhaps gave a modicum of justification to the left-wing and critics of yishuvim.

Last night, this was the case in numerous locations in Shomron and Yerushalayim. Officials report that they will not tolerate law-breaking and the response to such action will be swift.

A large police force will remain in the Chevron and Jerusalem areas. Restrictions were placed on Muslim worshippers seeking to take part in Temple Mount prayer services. Only males with Israeli ID cards and over the age of 45 will be permitted to enter the Har HaBayis complex. There are no restrictions on females.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. rabbiofberlin, while what you say is true, it’s also a shame that the protesters are playing into the media’s hand by being so violent, creating more chillul hashem.

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