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Barak: Eviction, No Dialogue

In a Thursday morning radio interview, Defense Minister Ehud Barak stated reports that he and his office are engaged in dialogue with representatives of Bet HaShalom are untrue, stating he remains determined to carry out the court-ordered eviction in the time parameter set forth by the court.

Barak added he commends those moderate voices who are seeking to maintain order and prevent bloodshed, but quickly stressed the Bet HaShalom would be emptied of its residents at any price, and that if blood is spilled, it would be the responsibility of those who are organizing the resistance.

While many believe the residents of Bet HaShalom legally acquired the house and they are falling victim to a political decision of the nation’s high court, one can only feel a growing concern over the reaction of government officials, exhibiting an unrestrained approach and perhaps too eager to use brutal force against civilians, realizing the government would not use the same brutal force against citizens living inside Green Line Israel.

Undoubtedly, there is a small number of extremists looking ‘for action’, for such situations always attract fringe elements. However, it is clear to all that the overwhelming number of people in Chevron is indeed law-abiding, and the government is taking advantage of statements from a hand full of people to de-legitimize and entire community.

Barak has made his position clear, the building will be evacuated, at any cost, as he put it, and the residents of Bet HaShalom have made their position clear, that they will not leave and they will defend their home.

The radical left-wing Peace Now organization will be protesting on Thursday night opposite the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv, calling on the governing to remove the “settlers” from Bet HaShalom.

The Council of Settlements of Yehuda & Shomron continues releasing statements that they are engaged in talks in the hope of averting a forced eviction. Council leader Danny Dayan on Wednesday released statements condemning Daniela Weiss, on of the leaders of the Bet HaShalom opposition to an eviction, a veteran member and activist in the council.

Chevron officials have announced that Dayan does not represent them or their interests and is in no way authorized to negotiate on their behalf.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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