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Rabbi Levy Leaving the Political Arena

Veteran National Religious Party MK Rabbi Yitzchak Levy has announced he will not run for a slot in the 18th Knesset, opting to return to his previous life, one of chinuch. He was a respected rosh yeshiva in the Bnei Akiva Yeshiva network.

Levy’s decision was prompted by the decision of the Bayit Yehudi Party leadership to appoint positions instead of holding party primaries, a move he views as essential to increase public involvement in the new party, which also replaces NRP.

Levy stated that while he disagrees with the decision, he respects it and wishes the new party success, but he had decided to return to the private sector who has been serving in Knesset since 1992. During his career he served as a cabinet minister a number of times, deputy minister, and as chair or member of many committees.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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