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IDF Southern Commander: Gaza About to Explode

iag2.jpgIDF Southern District Commander Major-General Yoav Galant warned on Tuesday that the situation in Gaza is explosive and a major confrontation is about to take place. On Tuesday, 4 Kassam rockets and 10 mortar rockets were fired into Israel.

In his comments regarding the situation, including the recent escalation in rocket attacks, Galant stated that a confrontation with Hamas is imminent.

Attending the Second Ashdod Aliyah Conference, the senior commander commented on Israel’s “soft response” to rocket attacks, stating that eventually we must act for if not, the explosion will be uncontrollable.

“I do not know when this will occur” he stated, “but the IDF is ready to respond. We achieved peace with our neighbors by a decisive victory in the battlefield as was seen with Egypt in that time.”

He explained there are over 1 million people in Gaza whose standard of living is 1/25th of that of an average Israeli. Galant explained that add to this reality the mental, political, social, religious and other pressures and influences, and it is a recipe for a major explosion.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

17 Responses

  1. If you’re going to fight, then fight hard and strong. Do not fight with one hand tied behind your back, and do not fight a Bushian, “compassionate war”.

  2. Lets Bomb a empty field again or blow up a empty building (first call to warn them)-or release more prisoners-like the IDF have been doing for years-its disgusting how they don’t defend their citizens. Can you imagine mexico shooting Rockets into Texas-

  3. Psychologically the only way for a loner to win against many, is to create a fearfull enviroment where no one dares to be the first one to step forward. Once that vibe is broken, and the angry little tiger stops kicking, it’s only a matter of time Chas VeShalom till someone has the guts….

    Self protection demands that you kick, And you kick hard

  4. First, Stop taking money from the US. then without that hinderance, (I even have a name for it) let “operation root canal” commence! ala the Russians in Chechnia…

  5. The day the Gush Katif settlements were razed, people began to ask, “How long till we have to return and destroy all the terror cells”?
    Hamas is taking over the Palestinean cause, especially with Abbas’ election in January. There are no moderates, stop the appeasement and ‘good will gestures’. By freeing 250 prisoners with blood on their hands, Israel has added manpower for the next terror attack. No one wants Gaza, not Egypt, not Israel and not NATO.

  6. The only thing these people understand is FORCE and that is what needs to be used against them. They are rats and need to be exterminated period!!

  7. Dear Commander

    You should know better
    The government makes sure to fight were its easy and ignore were its dificult
    The biggest danger is the peace house and can easily be overcome with clubs and horses
    So why bother fighting stubborn gaza arabs who at worst will kill some jews but wont endanger the governments power over its brothern.

  8. There was a story some time ago about our old friend Arafat who goes into an Israeli bank to cash a check. The teller asks him to endorce the rear top of the check and it will be cashed. He says I’m Yassar Arafat and I only sign in the front..well that leeds to a very verbal give and take with the teller. Hearing this the bank manager comes out and asks the teller what is the issue and the teller explains Araft’s refusal to sign on the back of the check. The manager then asks him to join him in his office behind closed doors. For the next ten minutes all that is heard is the sound of heavy fight going on. When the door opens out comes our friend Arafat all bloodied and beaten…he goes back to the same teller and again asks to cash the check. This time he agrees to sign on the back. The teller asks what the manager did to covince him to sign that way. His answer…”HE SPOKE TO ME IN A LANGUAGE I UNDERSTAND”……..point here is that all that these savages understand is force…..speak to them in their language!!! Enough Jewish blood has been spilled.

  9. #16 sorry that the truth about the nice sweet, kind, gentle folks in Gaza offends you..are you some kind of arab loving liberal who needs a shot of reality to see clearly what those animals are doing to our people?

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