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Indyk Recommends Talks With Syria

assad.jpgMartin Indyk, a former US ambassador to Israel and undersecretary of state for Mideast affairs, now director of the Washington-based Saban Center for Mideast Policy, is recommending the incoming US administration make the Iranian threat its highest priority.

In a report released by the Brookings Institute, a team of experts, including Indyk, are recommending to US President-elect Barak Obama that he places negotiations with Iran very high on his agenda, citing the threats surrounding the ongoing Iranian nuclear program. While the economic crisis is the priority, Indyk points out that until Israel goes to elections, and then forms a cabinet and coalition, there is time to deal with other issues.

They feel that if Syria can hammer out a deal with Israel, based on multi-track unconditional negotiations, then Damascus may be distanced from the axis of evil and thereby further isolating Iran, a move they feel is critical.

Indyk has already decided a deal with Syria would demand Israel give away the Golan Heights in exchange for peace and normalized diplomatic relations.

The former ambassador adds that even incoming secretary of state Hillary Clinton agrees with the president-elect, both having expressed criticism of President Bush, who was not directly involved in peace-making efforts between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority) during his tenure. Indyk remains optimistic that following the elections in Israel, diplomatic efforts will advance on both the PA and Syrian tracks. He feels however that the new president will have to play a more involved role if such a process is to succeed.

The Saban Center will in the coming days hold its annual assembly, which will be attended by President Bush, Quartet envoy Tony Blair, Minister Chaim Ramon and Defense Minister Ehud Barak.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Talk to Syria? Ok. “Hello, Syria?” “Yes?” “Knock it off or you will see the FULL extend of our ability to defend ourselves.” There, Syria was spoken to.

  2. Syria just awarded Kuntar the highest military award ever. He was the terrorist murderer released by Israel after being in jail for not enough years. He massacred 3 people (one a 4yr old girl who he smashed her skull into a rock) and was responsible for the death of a 4th.
    NOW, is this the country that ISRAEL should be making PEACE with…….

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