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Photos – A Cry for Assistance From Chevron; Bostoner Rebbe Cancells Visit [UPDATED 12:41pm IL]

7.jpg(PHOTO LINK IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) 12:09PM IL: A short time ago, it became apparent that another large security force was entering Chevron, making its way to Bet HaShalom in what residents view as another step on the government’s part towards their forced eviction.

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Shlita and Rabbi Dov Lior Shlita are in the building now, and the two have just signed a proclamation for distribution. A loose translation follows:

The current situation screams to the Heavens –
The building was bought with good money as was the Machpelah –
Come immediately to defend the home –
Come to defend the honor of Eretz Yisrael and Am Yisrael –

As a result of the situation, the Bostoner Rebbe Shlita canceled his planned visit to Bet HaShalom today.

Following is a statement from the Rebbe’s gabbai:

“Due to the area surrounding the Jewish owned House of Peace being declared a closed military zone by the Israeli army, and the moves by the army and the police to prevent Yidden from traveling to Chevron, the Bostoner Rebbe Shlita has been forced to postpone the trip he planned to make today to Ma’aras HaMachpelah and Bet HaShalom, to give chizuk to the Yidden of Chevron.

The Rebbe mentioned after davening this morning that he remembers how, during the time of the mandate, British troops arrested the Imrei Emes of Ger zt”l after he ascended above the eighth step outside the Ma’aras HaMachpelah. “Now we have our own shomrim”, the Rebbe remarked.

12:41PM IL: The security presence in the area is indeed formidable. The situation may best be described as a tense quiet. The left-wing Meretz Party is calling on the government to implement the eviction of the Jews from Bet HaShalom immediately. The leaders of the Chevron community are calling on the youths to remain peaceful and they continue working to prevent violent incidents.

Residents explain they are not violent but they will defend their home a way “anyone defends his home”.

One person who is in the area to assist in the struggle to prevent the eviction stated, “Hugs and kisses as we saw in Gush Katif will not be seen here. Here we will fight to defend our home”.

The Chevron community questions the legitimacy of using the IDF for a ground forces operation against Jews in Eretz Yisrael, to assist the government in uprooting Jewish homes in Chevron. They warn such abuse of the Jewish people’s army results in our losing our right to Eretz Yisrael.

PHOTO LINK: Click HERE to see photos taken today at the “Peace House” in Chevron – by Refael Ovadia / Boltshauser Images.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

11 Responses

  1. we are terribly distressed! let’s do teshuva and take on another hidor mitzvah! we can do it!
    Hashem will help protect us from the forces of dasan and aviram that surround us!

  2. It is a shame it has to come to this. After a week of Jewish unity, with the Israeli government mourning the loss of those who died for their religion, we go back to confrontation over a house in Chevron.

  3. What is going on? Dont we have enough tzuris in the world? When Israel is against Jews, does it not cease to be Israel?

  4. UKbloke – unfortunately it is not just ” a house in Chevron”
    We are talking about a confrotation over the future of Ir Avot. The current government do not see any intrinsic value in holding on to it for a handful of jews. Therefore these yidden are there fighting for it’s future so all of us to continue to be able to daven and Maarat Hamachpela.
    This is why Bostoner Rebbe wanted to visit there today to give them chizuk


  6. Question
    Yesterday it was the attack on Chabad House
    Today the attack on Peace House
    Yesterday it was by non jews
    Today it is by jews
    Yesterday it was against 6 jews with one child
    Today its against 20 families with many children
    yesterday the order was to kill
    Whats todays order

  7. For any of you who have ever been involved in political advocacy you must know that a gentile will always first watch to see how the Jewish politicians act towards the Jewish community.
    We sadly have an Israeli government who places little value on Jerusalem and so this legitimizes the world wide efforts of Governments everywhere against our right to keep Jerusalem.
    When Jews are attacked and forced from their homes in Israel- Jews are attacked and forced from their homes every where else including India.

    Olmert can pay whatever lip service he wishes his actions speak thunderous volumes.

    Good riddance.
    SHAME on OlMERT LIVNI and shame on us for not coming to the aid of CHEVRON!

  8. Israel is the “Jewish”state,but the Israeli government is from anti-Torah self-hating chilonim bums and criminal. Unfortunately our own defenders are are our worst enemies.

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