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YWN Eretz Yisrael Evening News Roundup – 12/02/08


*Security officials report Jews in Chevron damaged tombstones in the city’s Muslim cemetery.

*Security forces: Jews throwing rocks at Arabs near Bet HaShalom on Tuesday morning.

*12:30: Mortar shells land in the western Negev. No injuries are being reported.

*12:56: 6 mortar shells were fired at IDF soldiers operating in the area of the Gaza border fence. No injuries.

*The area around Chevron’s Bet HaShalom has been declared a ‘closed military zone’ by the IDF.

*14:09: A bomb placed along Gaza fence near Kissufim neutralized without incident.

*14:54: IDF attacks Kassam launchers. PA reported two terrorists dead and four wounded.

*17:14: Kassam rocket attack in S. Israel. No injuries.


*Alliance Tire announced it plans to lay off one-quarter of its employees, 250 people.

*Forecast: Hot and unseasonably dry weather through erev Shabbos.

*The Iranian Navy today began a six-day major training exercise.

*Major computer problems in Labor Party primaries during the morning hours in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Rechovot and Arab sector locations.

*Clients of the Pelephone Company on Tuesday morning experienced difficulties accessing Internet services. Pelephone is the third largest of Israel’s four cellular providers.

*Health Minister Yaakov Ben Yizri collapsed during a Haifa election rally and was transported to a hospital.

*Health Ministry: 62% of Israelis are overweight.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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