Right-Wing Bibi Blacklists Feiglin

Defeated by his own party members following numerous attempts to oust Moshe Feiglin and his Manhigut Yehudit faction from the Likud Party, party leader Binyamin Netanyahu has now announced that any member of the party who strike a deal with Feiglin will not be considered for a ministerial appointment.

Feiglin, who is Shomer Shabbos, has been working for the past years to change the Likud and take the party over, legally, from the inside out, insisting the party must return to its original roots, following Ze’ev Jabotinsky and his call for a Greater Israel. Feiglin believes the Likud platform should reflect a more Jewish and Torah platform.

Netanyahu told colleagues “Feiglin is not Likud and does not represent our views”. He is trying to take advantage of the democratic process to take over the party.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. If Feiglin joined the other “right of Likud” religious, they would probably get enough votes to force their way into a coalition led by Likud. If he moves those votes from the NRP/NU replacement group (whose ideology he shares) to Likud, he’ll also move a number of seats from Likud to the next party over, which happens to be Kadima. Likud was always very capitalist (i.e. anti-poor), tolerant of frumkeit (tolerant means putting up with), and always open to non-Jews. If Feiglin turns Likud into a party that is anti-Arab and ultra-hawkish, he’ll manage to revive Kadima as a center-right party, and probably result in Livni becoming prime minister and making concessions that Feiglin and his supporters will find outrageous (but that most
    Israelis will find acceptable, such as giving up religious communities in the West Bank in return for concessions that benefit the secular elites in Tel Aviv).

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