A Night of Violence in Chevron

mishtn.jpgIt was a night of violence in Chevron with police reporting at least 11 Jews were arrested for allegedly attacking a border policeman.

Rumors began spreading early Monday night as a result of troop movements in the area, with a relatively large border police force appearing in the area. Bet HaShalom residents report about 1,000 people made their way to the area to resist an eviction. SMS text messages were circulating around the country, urging supporters to begin making their way to Chevron to prevent any attempt to evict residents of Bet HaShalom.

Community Spokesman blamed Defense Minister Ehud Barak’s “irresponsible behavior” for mounting tensions and disturbances in the area.

At about midnight, Arabs began pelting Jews with rocks, injuring over a dozen people lightly. Once again, many of the mainstream news agencies are using the violence to de-legitimize Chevron’s law-abiding Jewish community and to cast a doubt on their rightful acquisition of Bet Shalom.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. The Zionists maintain that under Israeli law, an Israeli desiring to purchase real property from an Arab within the West Bank needs approval from the Israeli government, meaning from the military governor. If that is the law, anacquisition of “Bet Shalom” would be void under Israeli law.
    While a non-zionist Jew can argue that the Israeli government is itself an illegitimate one, it seems some illogical for the people in Chevron to assert rights under Israeli law while in effect taking a “Neturei Karta” position on the legality of the legal system under whose laws they are asserting rights.

  2. Help Please – I’m confussed

    Who is being attacked is it
    who or the attackers
    non jewish terorists or
    non jewish border police
    do they have orders to kill
    or only to injure

    I’m a dummy with no Seichel
    Brosh after such confussion

  3. #2
    Some Jews bought a building from some Arabs in Hevron. The Israeli government maintains the sale was illegal under Israeli law, and they are probably evicting the Jews from the house (same situation in US, if the courts rule against you and you don’t obey, they send in the police to enforce the court ruling – if you resist, the police call up reinforcements).

    If Israel worked like most places, and had a court system that was respected, people wouldn’t argue and the “sheriff” would rarely be called to enforce court orders since people would obey. However Israel has a highly politicized court system, with judges representing a narrow ethnic and political slice of the population, and the rest of the country doesn’t respect the courts, so they have problems.

  4. I have an idea for a new law. Every session of the court, including the Supreme Court and the Knesset must start with each and every member singing Hatikvah. Anyone who refuses should be escorted out. This would bring a radical change to the number of judges who may actually serve as well as eliminate up to one third of the Kneset.

  5. #4 – Perhaps first they should recognize that Torah is the constitution of Israel, and no law violating the Torah is valid (just as any law violating the constitution will be rejected by the US courts). Then perhaps, they might consider whether persons of Jewish ancestry who don’t keep Shabbos should be allowed to sit in the knesset (or vote, for that matter). Perhaps they might consider requiring anyone wishing to be a lawyer to be tested in competence in Jewish law.

    Of course, the above would suggest a Jewish state
    in Eretz Yisrael, which is quite unlikely until Meshiach comes.

    And in any event, your “idea” wouldn’t affect the judiciary which is very zionist, and 100% supports the line of Hatikvah calling for an “Am hofsh” – a secular people (in place of a Jewish people). It is the zionists, not the hareidim, who are expelling Jews from Hevron (though if the Gedolim were running things, which they haven’t tried since De Haan shot by the zionists, they would not be looking for a fight with the Muslims).

  6. Akuperma

    I’ve got news for you, there is a Jewish state in Eretz Yisroel. If there wasn’t, then half the articles on this website wouldn’t be about events occuring in the middle east and Israel. We wouldnt be interested in events there, just like we weren’t in previous centuries.

    Face the facts: Before Zionism, less than 1% of world jewry lived in the Holy Land. Today, it is approaching 50%. You cannot deny the zionists credit for this amazing achievement, even if they are secular ( many of whom are not), the same way you would not deny a secular firefighter the credit for saving a man from a burning house, even if all his intentions were wrong, and his methods unorthodox.

    By the way, Hofshi means free, not secular. the word for secular is Chol. And it does mention Judaism in Hatikva, in the first line at that.

  7. #7 – good luck convincing the Israelis of that

    I’ll believe it’s a Jewish state when the gays and hilonim ask for their own army units, because the army is too frum for their lifestyle. I’ll believe when Israel no longer is near the top of the human trafficing lists (kidnapping girls for znus). Remember, pre-zionism, nearly 100% of Jews were Shomer Shabbos. Today in Israel, the number is well below half (and less if you limit your survey to non-Hareidim).

    If you look at the Hiloni press you’ll see that all of them understand “Am Hofshi” to mean a secular people (their use of “Hofshi” is derived from the Yiddish “Frei”, which is the opposite of “Frum”.)

    If Israel is defeated (one good H-bomb and they are out of business) it would be the worst disaster in Jewish history, exceeding the holocaust or the destruction of the Beis ha-Mikdash. Sometimes it isn’t good to have all your eggs in one basket.

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