UPDATED – Eida Chareidis Angered Over Delay in Levaya

lt.jpgSenior officials in the Eida Chareidis are angered over the continued delays in the levaya of the son-in-law of the Toldos Avraham Yitzchak Rebbe Shlita, referring to one of the Kedoshim from Mumbai, Rav Aryeh Leibish Teitlebaum HY”D.

“All of a sudden we have new mechutanim” stated the editor of the Eida newspaper ‘HaEida’, R’ Chaim Pefinheim.

“The state decided to regard him as a terror victim like he belongs to them. The ministers decided on the ceremony for his funeral”.

“It is most irritating. Rav Leibish was a Satmar chossid in his life. It was in his blood. Now they are dancing on his blood and they are desecrating his name. What we see now is that they are desecrating his name and delaying the funeral to advance the interests of the state.”

UPDATE 8:55AM EST: Minister Yaakov Edri, who heads the government’s ceremonies committee, hinted to angry statements from the Eida Chareidis regarding the funerals of the Mumbai Kedoshim.

Edri stated that the state will not impose its will on the families of any victims and the bereaved families may tend to the burial of their loved ones as it sees fit.

Edri was eluding to the statements from Eida Chareidis officials who angrily oppose any state involvement in the funeral of Rav Aryeh Leibish Teitlebaum HY”D, a member of the Toldos Avraham Yitzchak kehillah in Meah Shearim.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

13 Responses

  1. My first thought was to write “If the medina is so hateful to you R’ Pefinheim, rent your own plane and bring him back on your own dime.” However, on reflection, it might be that there is a gentler way to convey my thoughts. If you lifted your eyes up for a moment from your sorrow, which I understand is perhaps clouding your judgement, You might se the hundreds of thousands if not millions of yidden in the medina and elsewhere who are joined to you in grief, and who might get some chizuk or grow in their respect for Torah and achdus through exposure to these levayas. Hashem works in his ways which are not shown to us. Perhaps the Eidah could learn something from the Kodosh too. He was comfortable with Chabad, who recognize in many ways the medina. He worked in hashgacha, benefitting all kinds of Jews. May the family and the community have a full nechomo, and so too all of am yisroel.

  2. Chas veSholom to get involved in machlokes over this. But there are 2 sides to every story. Unfortunately, the Eidah have plenty experience of the state trying to impose its’ will on those people of the Alte yishuv who do not recognise it. From the very beginning during WW1 when they took control from the old yishuv and at every juncture hence. You have to understand where they are coming from also. They are NOT extreme like the modern Neturei Karta, rather they want to live their lives in accordance with the Psak of the Satmar Rov and the Beis Din of the Eidah.

  3. Satmar is right they really should be separated from anything that has to do with the Medina (gov.of Israel) What I can’t understand why they didn’t send anyone to take of the body when they knew Zaka is part of the israelie Police and worse the neftar is being flown in on an Israelie Air Force Plane which I would like to remind everyone that is the Israelie ARMY

  4. pahute yid there is plenty achdus b’h prooven over and over.. hatzolah, areivim, chavarim ,bikor cholim countles chesed oraganizations all over the globe so hak nit kan cheinik..there are halochos where to have achdus and where kesher reshoim …there is dass torah (not a new invention like some poster claims ) and the there dass pahute yid and quite a few others

  5. .
    I dont understand what all the bickering is all about.

    He (the Kodosh) was raised respectfully as a Choseve Satmer Chosid, who live with the idea of the Satmar Rebbeh z”l (Reb Yoel) that Jews and Zionism are NOT united, in other words it means is, that Jews are categorized by people who live by the way of our Holy Torah practicing the 613 Mitzvos like keeping Shabbos etc. and Zionists are people who there heritage are from Jews but they decided to say good by to the way of a Torah life and live like none Jews, (maybe like monkeys) now the Titelbaum family has decided to following his wishes and don’t want him to be touched by the Israeli government in any way shape or form, why are so many VIN readers getting so excited.

    Next point who are we all screaming to or at? His families surly don’t have internet service they will never get to read all of the above posts, save you blood pressure for something better.
    Let’s control our emotions and show that we still have respect for a fellow Yid, we need more Achudas in order to be Zocha to greet Moshiach not fighting.

    I wish we could all find one Machlokos that we might be involved in and forget and forgive to bring the Geualah closer and faster.
    *********** braking news********************
    Tonight in Jerusalem: right now as we speak there is something very scary in the sky, you can see the moon and TWO HUDGE STARS one on each side of it, a Mekubel in Jerusalem has just announced that this is a clear sign of the braking out of the war of Gog and Mogog !!! so lets show Achudas we are going to need it to servive this war and greet Moshiach.

  6. #10, that is a normal, if rare astronomical event, where about every 40 years Venus (on the left, brighter) and Jupiter (on the right, dimmer, but still quite visible) line up with the moon. These are planets, not stars. This is derech hatevah.

  7. “The state decided to regard him as a terror victim like he belongs to them. The ministers decided on the ceremony for his funeral”.

    The state is very happy not to regard him as a terror victim so they do not have to pay any of his expenses. The state will be pleased to receive the $$$ for the airfare, visa arrangements and any other expense involved in shipping the aron back to eretz yisroel. All the aronim are arriving at 11pm Monday nite, they can have a levayah at 2am in the morning if so desired, the rebbe announced that the levaya will be the next morning so that bitul torah will be limited. There is an impossiblility to be completely SEPERATE from the country in which you live. (police, buses, hospital, medical clinics, sidewalks, kivre tzaddikim – so just relax)

  8. regarding mekubalim and milchemes gog umogog, we were brought up with the beleif tomim tihyeh and as Rashi says dont go predicting the future.

    we have our work cut out for us, signs in the heavens are none of our business.

    lets continue to promote achdus, chesed, torah, kedusha, and tefilah

  9. sayitlikeitis
    I know many Toldos Aharon, Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok and Satmar chasidim who will not use Egged busses and who pay for their medical care in order not to benefit from the Israeli state. They do this quietly with no fuss and with 100% ehrlichkeit. A friend of mine told me his father paid the Mir full tuition in order not to benefit from the subsidy that the yeshiva receives for every talmid.
    My point is, that although you cannot be COMPLETELY separate, but you can try your best. I would not be surprised if Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok would pay the state full costs and not say a word about it to anyone.

  10. Aaron Chaim, what about walking on the sidewalks and using the water?
    BTW it is fine with me either way. If you want to be separate, fine..but the reality is it is nearly impossible.

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