Update on Funerals for Mumbai Kedoshim & More [UPDATED 2:30PM EST]


Bituach Leumi announced on Sunday night it will make arrangements for the burials of the Mumbai Kedoshim.

Fund to assist family of Mumbai victim:

A fund has been established to assist the family of Bentzion Kruman [The media has been spelling it Chroman]. The fund is endorsed by Rabi Aron Twerski and others.

One may donate online by visiting http://www.krumanfoundation.org/

Mumbai Sources:

The terrorists who perpetrated the attack were living in the city during the past year to familiarize themselves with the area and the buildings.

ZAKA / Yehuda Meshi-Zahav:

The air force plane carrying the Mumbai Kedoshim will hopefully return to Tel Aviv on Monday night. As we go to print, Chabad websites are reporting the flight has departed for Mumbai, carrying coffins for the Kedoshim.  The flight had been delayed from 2:00pm to obtain visas for the passengers.

Eida Chareidis atzeres tefilla due to the economic situation:

The Eida Chareidis is holding a Monday afternoon atzeres tefilla in the Meah Shearim area due to the global economic situation. It was first believed it would be postponed due to the funerals of the Kedoshim on Mumbai but since the flight bringing them home was delayed, the tefilla rally will take place, headed by Eida leaders. Following the murders of the Kedoshim in the Chabad House, the Eida adds that rally will also address the need to improve our ways and do tshuva.

Rav Gavriel receives a bracha from the Rebbe:

When Rav Holtzberg HY”D went to the Lubavitcher Rebbe ZT”L in 5749 to ask for a bracha on his eighth birthday, the Rebbe gave him a bracha for success in all his endeavors.

Replacement Shaliach Appointed for Mumbai:

Haaretz: Chabad Shaliach to Goa Rabbi Dov Goldberg has been appointed to fill the void in Mumbai the newspaper’s website reports on Sunday night. This HAS NOT been confirmed with any official Chabad source at this time. He may be assuming his new post as early as this week.

Levaya will bring people from around the world:

With the air force Kedoshim flight finally on its way to Mumbai, plans for the funerals of the Kedoshim are underway. Chabad Shluchim from around the world are expected to participate, as well as many Jews from all walks of life. The funerals for Rabbi Gavriel Noach Holtzberg HY”D and Rebbitzin Rivka Holtzberg HY”D will most likely be held in Kfar Chabad on Tuesday. Details to be announced as they become available.

UPDATE 12:30PM EST/ 7:30PM IL: Foreign Ministry officials are reporting additional Israelis have been located, now stating only two people are missing Baruch Hashem.

CNN is reporting the official death tool in Mumbai is 183 with 273 people injured.

7:15pm: Yehuda Meshi-Zahav

The delay in the flight is due to the demand for visas. “All day the media poked fun at the Mumbai security forces saying ‘they could have done it better’. It appears that here too, we could have done it better. The Indian officials are working at their pace so in the meantime, we are waiting for visas to permit takeoff and then completion of the process to bring the bodies home for kvura. We said visas are required and they said no. We were correct. We could have landed in India and not be permitted out of the airport without visas.”

Radio Kol Chai:

The terrorists were “armed to the teeth” with high quality explosives, hoping to perpetrate an attack larger than 9/11.

It appears the men were killed first:

Investigators believe that with the exception of Rav Holtzberg, the men were murdered first since they were not bound but the bodies of the women were. There is also testimony that Rav Holtzberg spoke with Chabad representatives in America and that his body was still warm when Zaka officials received it erev Shabbos [Israel time].

Moishele’s nanny expected to come to Israel:

Sandra Samuel, the nanny who saved Moshe Holtzberg, has been with Israel Foreign Ministry officials since she fled the Chabad House. She remains Moshe’s primary caretaker since she is the only one he is familiar with. It is believed she will be returning to Israel on the special Israel Air Force flight.

Almagor Terror Victim Org Director Meir Indor:

Indor, a lt.-colonel in the IDF reserves questions Israel’s handling of the Mumbai matter pertaining to an incident involving Israeli hostages, namely the Chabad House. Indor also points out that Israel has good diplomatic relations with India, even security matters, and the Foreign Ministry was not assertive enough and should have stepped in once it was realized the situation was not being handled to Israel’s satisfaction.

Indor draws an analogy from the Munich Massacre, when a much stronger army was permitted to rescue the Israelis – and we saw the sad results there too.

Indor in short questions why Israel did not do more towards sending an Israeli commando team rather than take a sit-back-and-watch attitude.

UPDATE 11:54AM EST / 6:54PM IL: The Toldos Avraham Yitzchak Rebbe Shlita and the Volover Rebbe Shlita arrived in Eretz Yisrael at about 5:00PM on Sunday from JFK airport. On a flight from Newark Airport were members of the Chroman family, grandparents and others.

According to Chaim Weingarten, head of the Zaka team in Mumbai, local authorities have given their release for the bodies to be flown to Israel for burial and they are now waiting for a plane scheduled to take off from Ben-Gurion International Airport on Sunday evening. He said the flight is about 10 hours and then, there will be a brief ceremony for the locals who are shattered over the murders of Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his wife Rivka.

Some are questioning why the delay in the take off from Tel Aviv? It appears that the government first informed the 30 people traveling on the special flight they do not need visas but the Indian government had other ideas. This has delayed the flight for hours and as of 5:00PM on Sunday, some of the people waiting to leave indicated they will not be taking off anytime soon.

People accompanying the special flight include Yehuda Meshi-Zahav, Zaka’s director; Chaim Untmazgin, a senior Zaka official; the IDF Homefront Command’s chief rabbi; Shuki Lavi from Chabad; HaGaon Rav Yuslovsky, Rav of Nachlat Har Chabad and a relative of Rivka Holtzberg HY”D as well as IDF and Israel Police forensic experts and other specialists.


There are five bodies, four Israelis and one Mexican Jew. At present, four Israelis are still listed as missing, stating it is entirely possible they are backpacking somewhere.


The Zaka team broke up into teams on Sunday, with two volunteers maintaining shmira for the bodies. Other visited hospitals seeking people who may be the missing Israelis. There are 3 or 4 bodies of “westerners” who may be the Israelis. A final determination will be forthcoming on Monday when the Israeli forensic team arrives.

When asked if the funeral will be on Monday or Tuesday, Weingarten stated it is still too early to say for certain, at least until the plane arrives from Israel.

Kol Chareidi reports the Eida Chareidis will not permit the state to run the funeral of Rav Aryeh Leibish Teitlebaum. An Eida spokesman, Chaim Oppenheim, told the Kol Chareidi that “all of a sudden, the medina feels it is involved in the funeral. Rav Leibish was born, bred and lived as a Satmar and there is no nechama for his neshama to permit the medina to become involved in his funeral.” Rav Oppenheim was careful to point out that his statements reflect reality, but in no way is he delivering an official statement for the Eida Chareidit.

“He was murdered because he was a Jew without any connection to the medina.” When asked if he knows if the Eida officially informed the state that it does not wish any official State of Israel involvement, he stated “for certain officials were told their official involvement is unwanted but anyone is invited to stand at the side and take part in the levaya.”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

26 Responses

  1. The comments by the Eida spokesman are inappropriate and will only lead to sinat chinam. It would have been enough to say the medina will not be involved without further details.

  2. The web site you gave does not give an address to send a check or how a check would be made out — only to do by credit card. Do you know if there is an address for those who wish to send by check? Thanks.

  3. More details are needed. Please provide a number of a known Rav or Rosh Yeshiva in New York whom we can contact for a donation for this family.

  4. Kol Chareidi reports the Eida Chareidis will not permit the state to run the funeral of Rav Aryeh Leibish Teitlebaum. An Eida spokesman, Chaim Oppenheim, told the Kol Chareidi that “all of a sudden, the medina feels it is involved in the funeral.
    Hope WORLD WAR III will not begin in Meah Shearim, with attacks of police, soldiers, govt people who come on by. There will probably many visitors from otherside of the community who will come to do nechum avelim.

  5. I suppose a hakoras hatov for the IDF and Magav soldiers who protect Eida Chareidis lives everyday isn’t coming too quickly either. Maybe they should take a hint from chabad about achdus and ahavas chinom, or perhaps from the hundreds of thousands of Jews, frum and completely secular, who davened and said tehilim for the victims.

  6. What a horrific week. This was to be one of the happiest weeks in Bobov. Even though the Simcha was beautiful culminating in last night’s Sheva Bruchis in the Beis Medrash, the story was “Al Roish Simchusayni”. Bentzi(hy”d)’s parents had arrived Thursday morning fot the Chasuna. Nebech.

  7. In his Shabbos Drusha my Rov, Reb Elchonon Halpern sh’lita said that the ones who died in the Mumbai massacre are Korbonos Tziber, and that the Jews all over the world should avoid having any Machlokess.

  8. Another thing that would be very appropriate for those who can help:

    It was reported here


    that the Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok Rebbe shlita arrived in the US November 13th to raise funds for mosdos Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok. He was to be here 3 weeks and this was the trip the Rebbe was on when the tragic news arrived and he left for Eretz Yisroel.

    Does anyone have information on how one can donate to this mosdos?

  9. FYI the the media has been spelling the family name correctly, Chroman. They are an old Chicago family. Hamokom Y’nachem Eschem B’soch Shaar Aveilay Tzion V’Yerushalayim. They should have only Simchos and no more Tzaar.

  10. Check it out http://www.chabad.org/news/article_cdo/aid/775002/jewish/Rabbi-Holtzberg-Speaks-About-His-Work.htm

    Just imagine, He would Shecht 100 chickens a week and she would run the kashering process herself. Would fly in monthly to Mikva until built one themselves. Lost child to genetic disease and had another in EY. Prepared and gave shiurim, dealt with an immense ammount of emotional and spiritual issues their backpackers came along with.
    Just read the posts and comments all over. Satmer, Litvish, Modern, Frei, Spiritual, Lost, Israeli on and on, all found a open home and heart.

    Hashem Yinkom Damom

  11. When I saw the pictures of the churban at the chabad house it reminded me of the pictures of the bloody seforim from the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva atack last March. Then I realized that both these attacks occured between Yom Kippur Koton and Rosh chodesh, on the 29th and 1st of the hebrew month.
    There is some connection between the story of Purim (chodesh Adar) and Chanukah (chodesh Kislev)but far be it from me to figure out what that is. I guess the key is continued teshuva and chesed so we dont need any more korbanos.

  12. To #12 which asked: Does anyone know of a fund also for the family of Rav Teitlebaum?

    I just heard from a representative of Kupat hair in Israel that Harav Teitelbaum HY”D was a subscribed member in the latest program Areivem (which works that if one that is signed up with them – in case of an unforeseen death tragedy all of his children’s expenses are covered up until after their wedding) and will receive the amount of $50,000 per child a total $400,000. As I heard of this wonderful new program Arievem which besides the money, the family does not become embarrassed and no pictures of the niftar have to be published asking for money. I contacted them myself and became a member. Note: to become a member it does not cost any money but incase of a death of any member you pay a small amount per orphan. you can reach them at 866-727-3484

  13. Anyone know (or heard) what was going on during those 12 hours the commandos were fighting in the Chabad house? What took 12 hours???

  14. There was somoeone who asked about donating to Toldos Avrum Yitzchok, you can call 3474517728 that’s one of the fund raisers that’s here in NY now. About the Teitelbaum family there is a huge campaign being worked on one of the Rabbanim involved is Rabbi Wolfson Shlita from Emunas Yisroel, the site is http://www.teitelbaumorphanfund.org there will be many details added on Monday morning about who is heading the campaign. If anyone has ideas how to raise funds for the 8 yesomim please contact [email protected]

  15. Concerning the medina’s involvement in the levaya, it would seem clear that the family’s decision about what organizations may be involved should be final, and there is no question in my mind that the widow, as the daughter of the Toldos Avraham Yitzchak Rebbe, shlita, will certainly defer to the position of the Eida HaChareidis. This doesn’t constitute sinas chinam; R’ Shimshon Refael Hirsch, zatzal, always made a clear distinction between relating to individuals and relating to organizations, and vehemently resisted any affiliation with any organization that did not accept Torah and mitzvos as absolute binding truth, as the medina surely doesn’t. At the same time he accepted the participation of all individual Jews, whatever their beliefs. Here too we see that the unofficial Eida spokesman invited anyone to take part in the levaya.

    BTW, according to the official posters, the atseres organized by the Eida today, Monday, is called not just over the world economic crisis (and its ramifications for Torah mosdos), but also over the rapidly advancing plans of the Education Ministry to interfere with Torah education, an issue which has evoked equally forceful protest from all the gedolim of all groups. It’s supposed to go from 1:30 till 3:00 by the Stiblach in Meah Shearim and will be mostly Tehillim and Slichos, with a few droshos at the end. Our children’s and grandchildren’s future is at stake.

  16. To #19
    About the chickens TYW just posted a piece from his uncle HaRav Y Grossman from Migal Emek. “They were like Avraham and Sarah” which mentions his shechting. About the Mikvah there is a post from the driver on ChabadIndia.Org under memories section. On COL.Org.il they had photos of him building his Mikva

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