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Soldier Loses a Leg in Mortar Shell Attack

Four of the soldiers wounded in the rocket attack on Friday night remain hospitalized. One of the soldiers, Sgt. Noam Nakesh, 21, from Beersheva, lost his right leg below the knee as a result of his injuries. Doctors in Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon explain the next day is critical and they are doing their utmost to save his left leg – explaining the young man has a long road of rehabilitation ahead until he will be recovered.

Noam was standing outside his room when a mortar shell landed nearby, projecting shrapnel into his lower extremities. The surgical procedure to amputate his right leg and stabilize his left took six hours.

Senior officials in the Nachal Oz post have been calling to fortify the soldiers’ barracks due to the proximity to the border fence but to date, nothing has been done.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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