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Grandparents Waiting for Permission to Enter Mumbai Chabad House

Shimon and Yehudit Rosenberg, the parents of Rivka Holtzberg HY”D are still waiting for permission to enter the Mumbai Beit Chabad, wishing to see what took place in the building where their daughter and son-in-law were murdered by Islamic terrorists along with the other hostages.

The Rosenbergs also wish to begin gathering some of their children’s personal items as well as tending to the sifrei torah and sifrei kodesh in the structure.

Israeli expects are arriving to assist in the investigation in Mumbai, but the criticism against the commando forces from local residents is gaining momentum, with official reports stating the elite commando team from New Delhi took 10 hours to arrive in Mumbai.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Thank you YWN for your insight last night regarding what the greater tragedy would be; if we fail to maintain our Achdus brought about by the Kedoshim. It really touched my heart and I have been repeating it to everyone I meet. Thank you for always reporting and commenting with such sensitivity and heart, even on the most tragic of events.

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