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Yishai Blasts Herzog and the Golden Spoon

Shas leader Eli Yishai addressed the Sderot Conference on Social Issues blasting Welfare Minister Yitzchak Herzog.

“Unlike him, I did not grow up with a golden spoon in my mouth. We were ten people in one room. I got up each day and worked at a simple job in construction. Today, when I use my strategy, I come under attack. Immediately I am subject to criticism.”

Yishai added the problem is that the other side does not know what it is like. He lamented that according to the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), Israel is in last place among developed nations regarding funding for children.

He then stated “we must all tighten out belts. I am willing to move to a two-wheeled vehicle. I have no problem using a bicycle. You cannot tell the people to open savings accounts when the children in the home have nothing to eat. The parents cannot purchase the minimum clothing, the basic school supplies, or tell the children at age 21 they will get a computer or savings plan. It’s just a nice spin.”

Yishai was referring to Herzog’s call to establish savings accounts for the children for when they grow up. He explained such an account would be helpful to them during their IDF service.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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