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Hizbullah Poses a Growing Threat

nasrallah.gifIt was Defense Minister Ehud Barak who stated that since the Second Lebanon War; Hizbullah has increased its abilities threefold, now speaking out again, expressing concerns regarding the terror organization’s military abilities.

Barak stated that today, Hizbullah has missiles capable of striking Ashkelon, Beersheva, Yerucham and Dimona, adding the terror organization has 42,000 missiles. Prior to the war, Hizbullah had 14,000 missiles.

Barak made his ominous remarks during a briefing to the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee. He also pointed out Hizbullah’s recent military exercises (reported HERE on YWN) which he reiterated were a violation of UN Resolution 1701, the Second Lebanon War ceasefire agreement.

Barak acknowledged Israel’s concerns regarding Iran’s ongoing nuclear weapons program, but explained the Islamic nuclear threat already exists, from Pakistan, calling the threat “the ultimate nightmare” to many nations, adding the instability in that country has the world concerned. He confirmed that Pakistan has surface-to-surface missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads, as well as advance df-16 fighters capable of doing the same, planes that were purchased from the United States.

Regarding Iran, Tehran continues to play with the international community, buying time, as it advances it nuclear enrichment program. Regarding Iran he added, “All options remain open”.

On the Syrian front, the defense minister stated Damascus maintains very close relations with Hizbullah and continues assisting the terror organization while also playing a role in the internal goings-on in Lebanon.

The Syrian situation is however somewhat of a paradox he explains, a dilemma, with Israel’s interests served by removing Syria from the axis of evil, and towards achieving this goal, the ongoing diplomatic probing and limited contacts are advantageous.

On the Gaza front, Barak is pleased with the relative quiet that resulted from the ceasefire, pointing out in the months preceding it, there were 500 monthly incidents of weapons fire but now, that number has been reduced to about 10 a month. Nevertheless, in recent weeks, that number has gone up considerably.

In a Knesset appearance during a special session called by Likud and Yisrael Beitenu, Barak spoke from the plenum for the first time as defense minister, responding to queries regarding a solution to ongoing rocket attacks from Gaza.

He stated that we have already seen what the results are on a different front when we tried to deal with the problem from a “sterile aerial perspective”. The defense minister stated that if one wishes to address the problem as it needs to be addressed, it demands moving into Gaza and doing what needs to be done. “Don’t play with words. If you wish to reenter Gaza then say so” he lashed out at the opposition. “We are not talking about a television reality show but crucial decisions that impact life and limb”.

Regarding calls for the IDF to move in and deal with the problem, Barak insists the IDF and ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) are working to prevent attacks from Gaza and they have struck terror cells. At present, he opposes any other action. He did add that if the situation changes, due to attacks or other realities, then the army will be given the order to act.

Regarding Gilad Shalit, the senior minister reaffirmed the government’s moral responsibility and obligation to bring him home, but added that everything must be done within permitted parameters to accomplish this, “not at any price,” further stating that diplomatic channels is not the only option on the table.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. He didn’t say that we need to continue davening to Hashem without stop in order to ensure the safety and security of acheinu bnei yisroel?

  2. Barak is nuts, he said if there is 24hrs of quiet the blockade will end, right after truck #30 entered Gaza and twenty four hours elapsed, the rockets began again on our brothers in Sderot.

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