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Israel: Treasury Discussing Bailing Out the Tycoons

leviav1.jpgTreasury officials are not showing interest in bailing out pension funds but there is now talk of stepping in to offer a very large and expensive safety net for the nation’s business tycoons such a Africa Israel’s Lev Leviev, Delek Group’s Yitzchak Tshuva, and other big leading earners who are now being strangled by creditors.

The daily Yisrael HaYom, anonymously quoting ‘those in the know’ in the treasury explain that while such a plan is being considered, there are major and serious considerations, such as why help one tycoon and not the other.

Opponents are having a difficult time understanding how exactly the government does not see it being its place to save pension funds of those who have worked for decades, yet is appears all too ready to bail out the tycoons. Opponents are calling on the nation’s wealthiest sector to first liquidate assets, sell off private planes, luxury vehicles and real-estate holdings and then come and talk about receiving government assistance on the backs of the ‘regular working guy’.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. Because time has shown that supporting one tycoon will lead to financial stability to many more ‘regular working guy’s.

    If they start liquidating their ‘luxury’ assets, the damage along the way will be great and more harmful.

  2. I agree with # 2.

    If they’ll throw all their support behind the yeshivos & kollelim there will be no more problem. The whole country will go to kollel, which will immediately bring the Goel Tzedek.

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