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Israel: Semi-Annual Poverty Report

Bituach Leumi is scheduled to release its semi-annual report on the nation’s poor. At present, there are 1.65 million Israelis classified as “poor”, including 800,000 children and teens. The poverty line is NIS 2,093 a month, approximately $525.

In actuality, the number of poor is markedly higher since many families are categorized as the “working poor”, with parents employed but earning minimum or meager salaries which place them above the official poverty line but they are far from surviving, unable to meet basic monthly expenses. These families are not mentioned among the “nation’s poor”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. 2000 NIS per month per person? Or per family? I cant believe that there are 25% of families have less than 2000 NIS per month. Rent is most places is at least 1000 NIS…

    can someone please clear this up for us


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