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7,000 Jobs Lost in Israel Due to Economic Crisis

recession1.jpg42,000 people lost their jobs in Israel in the past three months, representing an increase of 7,000 as compared to the same time period a year ago. The 20% increase in unemployment is attributed to the growing global economic crisis.

Yossi Farchi, who heads the nation’s unemployment services, explains 2007 was a year with 2,000 less people registered for benefits as compared to 2006. He also points out that based on ‘the experts’ there are many more who have lost their jobs but have yet to make their way to unemployment offices.

An estimated 2,500 of the 7,000 newly unemployed were working in small businesses hit by the crisis, explaining large factories may implement firings but there is usually a cash reserve that will permit the business to continue. In the case of small businesses, this is not so.

“When large businesses stop buying from the smaller ones, they will be compelled to shut down. I believe this cycle will continue for sometime and many more people employed in small businesses will lose their jobs,” Farchi explains.

He feels they may be hundreds, or even a larger number of people who simply are unaware of their rights are or they are too embarrassed to apply for unemployment assistance.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. The scariest part about all of this is that these are the people who support Israel’s yeshivos and kollelim the exact thing that the Jewish people need when they are facing multi threats from Saudi financing of terror to the Iranian nuclear threat to Obama’s willingness to re-start the “peace process”.

  2. eli lev, my latest “thing” I have been doing is saying tehillim on the buses and subways. So, if you see a wrinkled, old woman with glasses trying her hardest to say tehillim, please come over and introduce yourself!

  3. Bubby I will be looking for you while wearing my glasses. Did we expect this global disaster to skip over our holy land? We are in a dire situation financially – with the footsteps of mashicah getting stronger.

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