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Rav Ovadia Shlita: Secular Teachers are Chamorim

ovadia.jpgIn his weekly motzei Shabbos shiur, Chacham Ovadia Yosef Shlita made reference to the secular education system, and in line with regular practice, members of the secular press were monitoring the Rav’s words to find a story, which they did.

The Rav Shlita referred to the secular teachers as “Chamorim” (a derogatory term which means donkey, but also a reference to one’s lack of intelligence). The Rav explained the teachers in the secular system lack the basic knowledge of Torah and basics regarding Yiddishkeit, calling them “chamorim bnei chamorim”.

Shas leader Eli Yishai agreed to act to explain the Rav’s words, appearing on Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) on Sunday morning, speaking with host Razi Barkai. He opened by stating that as usual, the secular media takes juicy excerpts without having any idea of the general concepts addressed in the Rav’s Torah lectures.

Yishai quoted a passage from Tractate Shabbos, in which we are compared to donkeys, explaining that today, there can be no dispute that on Torah matters, we are indeed significantly inferior to the generations that preceded us.

He reminded Barkai that the excerpts were taken prematurely, and the media did not hear about reference made by the Rav regarding schools, violence, drugs, 80% of students who do not do homework, 60% of students involved in violence towards one another and teachers – the alarmingly high dropout rate. He questioned how one can honestly say that the system hasn’t failed. He cited a recent example that upon entrance to a classroom by a teacher, students dropped their trousers, questioning the absence of a modicum of basic respect and values that once existed among the young, even in public schools.

Barkai: What about Charles Darwin?

Yishai: What about what is teffilat Ma’ariv? What about the Four Mothers? [referring to the Matriarchs]. He explained when these questions are asked in public schools, the students have no idea, with some responding to the “four mothers” question believing it refers to the non-governmental organization that worked to bring about an Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon.

Yishai angrily asked that Barkai and his supporters examine the lack of Jewish values in schools, the fall in Israel’s rating in the international education community. He suggested the Education Ministry begin instilling Jewish values and Torah classes into the national curriculum and not just Darwin, a move that he stated confidently would result in less violence and an increase in Derech Eretz.

Responses to the Rav’s Remarks as reported by Galei Tzahal:

Labor Party leader Ehud Barak: Such references are unworthy and should be retracted.

Kadima leader Tzipi Livni: A public apology is in order for the rabbi’s words are an insult to tens of thousands of the nation’s dedicated teachers and therefore, intolerable.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

26 Responses

  1. Livni is allowed to say what she wants about the chareidim (just two news items earlier) but Chacham Ovadia not about!?!
    And that is a woman who is meant to run the country?

    Anyway I don’t understand Chacham Ovadia’s statement.
    A Chamor knows at least “eivus Baalov”, whilst the secular teachers and leaders “lo Yodeu” and “lo Hosbonnenu” (as per Yeshaye 1-3)

  2. Rav Ovadia’s statements were not taken out of context nor were they exaggerated. No serious observer can deny that Israel’s secular school system has deteriotated drastically, but so has the charedi system. Perhaps there could be a swap – the Haredi students could learn the skills necessary for fruitful employment and the secular system can restore a curriculum that ensures its students have both a knowledge and understanding of divrei Torah. Sad fact is that both constituencies have failed in their primary mandates.

  3. As true as the comment is, it defitly is a “head-ache” for his Shas party.
    Is it just by coincidence that this occured the same day that Shas came out with a new slogen: “Yes we can” (כן, אנחנו יכולים).
    Now, aside from the fact that I have not yet been made aware that Barak Obama has joined Shas, I wonder if this befits a frum party. This resonates “כוחי ועוצם ידי” – as if we control things, when in-fact Ha-Shem controls everything.
    הכל בידי שמים

  4. # 4 nevealiza
    seems u never miss an opportunity to write some [subtle or otherwise] negative comment about [some] of our great rabbis &/or their followers.

    what a pity.
    lets try to promote more respect for rabbonim.

  5. those who are not guided by the torah and dont believe ki hu zeh in metzias haboreh are not better than the ones the gemmorah refers to ‘am hadome lechamor’see rashi soif vayayrah..

  6. R. Yosef insulted the donkeys. THey are loyal, intelligent, hard working and friendly beasts. Israel’s hiloni schools fail on all counts, even from a secular perspective. Since donkeys can’t defend themselves, the Rav should refrain from insulting them with such an unwarranted comparison.

  7. “What about charles darwin….” LOL LOL
    Isn’t “Chamorim bnei Chamorim” exactly what they imagine themselves to be? If they devote themselves to brainwashing kids to take that ludicrous comedy seriously, why would they be offended? Don’t they imagine themselves to be descended from, and no different than, animals?

  8. # 14
    sorry no such pasuk in tanach or statement in chazal.
    please learn abit more before u criticize rabbis ,& even then dont criticize ,as chazal say nishiechason …

  9. #17
    This is the 2nd time you’ve shown your ignorance in just two statements!!
    There is no ‘Chaza’l’ that says D’rocheha Darchei Noam!
    And besides, what does that have to do with what he said?

  10. # 18
    thanks. as u wrote #17 missed the point.
    as well as #16.
    its very unfotunate & sad that some people dont understand the severity & danger of [even subtle] public critsizm of a talmid chacham. [as i wrote at the end of my last comment]

    may H. watch & help them.

  11. Gedolim need to be extra careful with what they say in public – especially since the media are looking to pounce on their every word!

  12. #6 Wake Up, they speak Hebrew. I personally feel that the Rav should know that every word he says is being monitored by those self hating jews. I’m surethat the Rav can use even more harsh words to make his point, but the Term Chamor will ignite a fire.

  13. I don’t know if the secular teachers are chamorim, or if they, along with the systems, secular, dati-leumi, and chareidi, are simply broken from top to bottom. Teachers, parents, administrators, students, and government.

    20 years ago the Israeli school system was the envy of North American parents. I remember that when an Israeli kid would end up in our school, he would be miles ahead in everything – mishna to math, it made no difference. Now, everyone is far behind in so many areas. Rav Ovadia Yosef was right in pointing out the failing secular system. But we ignore the problems in our own systems at our own peril.

  14. Any words which cause Machlokes in Klal Yisroel are unacceptable, this pertains to both sides of a conflict – we keep talking about Achdus, but sometimes in order to prove a point or just to be right, we disregard the extent of damage of our statements…Lets practice Achdus so that Moshiach can finally come.

  15. Livni thinks she may poke at religious Jews as she pleases, So Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’ comes along makes a powerful statement, says one word, gives some of her teachers a complement, why is everyone so upset, you see that he knew exactly what to say to get the whole world started, where was everybody when she oped her sewer and the worms came jumping out.

    She cant just get away with her nonsense when ever she feels like it. Orthodoxy is not her expertise, no one is asking her to sell Jerusalem to Charadim but same time dont give it away for free to the Arabs.

    If she is Jewish which with her attitude I am not so sure about, she should have some respect for those who respect the Holy Torah, if she foolishly enough chose not to practice the laws of the Torah that’s her problem, but to poke and make fun of the handful of Yiden who are listening to Hashem is 10000% wrong.

    So being that I am “not” a follower of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’ I would still like to command him for a job well none we all know that Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’ is correct and we have to back him up, after all he is one of the greatest Talmid Chomom in our day and age.

    Remember the Satmar Rebbeh z”l R’ Yoel the Brisker Rav R’Velvel etc also spoke out and lashed at the state of “Izrael” so whts wrong if Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’ Shlita continues in the right path?

  16. Remember the Satmar Rebbeh z”l R’ Yoel the Brisker Rav R’Velvel etc also spoke out and lashed at the state of “Izrael” so whts wrong if Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’ Shlita continues in the right path?

    These are two very different and distinct shita’s regarding “Izrael”, almost like Day & Night.

  17. Listen to his chochmah!

    Morim that have a Chet (=sin) spells Cha-Morim.

    The man is brilliant and his words are worthy of study.

    Those who speak against Talmidei Chachomim, they and their family members are doomed to suffer yisurim. Have rochmonus on yourselves and your family by restraining from writting against any Gadol!! Those that were already nichshal, should immediately ask mechillah. You have been warned!!

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