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Eretz Yisrael Motzei Shabbos News Roundup

yw_israel3.jpg*A number of Kassam rockets landed in Sderot, near Ashkelon and the western Negev areas on motzei Shabbos. No injuries reported. The IDF retaliated, targeting missile launching terror cells. Terrorists reported injuries.

*Two policemen who were writing traffic summonses on Hwy 65, Nachal I’ron (Wadi Ara) were attacked by dozens of Israeli Arabs from Um el-Fahm, who threw rocks at them and their vehicle. Reinforcements arrived and they were extricated from the community.

*A soldier was moderately wounded by the accidental discharge of a bullet on the army’s Tel Hashomer Base.

*A security lookout detected two Arabs heading to Yishuv Yitzhar in Shomron, prompting them to summon assistance. The terrorists fled into a nearby Arab village. Soldiers recovered a fragmentation grenade from the scene. Officials report a terrorist attack was apparently averted by the alert lookout.

*Israel Police: Two Chevron youths were arrested on Shabbos after engaging in confrontations with border police, apparently trying to force their way into Arab homes near the Chazon David Outpost in the area.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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