Olmert Will Turn to Bush to Pardon Pollard

pollard2.jpgOfficials in the Prime Minister’s Office report that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will be leaving for Washington DC on motzei Shabbos. He is among a handful of leaders invited to the White House to bid farewell to outgoing President George W. Bush.

To date, all requests for a pardon for Jonathan Pollard have been turned down. Olmert’s aides’ report that the prime minister will once again seek to obtain a presidential pardon since it is customary for an outgoing president to grant pardons to convicted prisoners.

Olmert, who is also near the end of his term, has not been viewed as a leader who has been particularly concerned with obtaining Pollard’s release, adopting the policy of his predecessor, Ariel Sharon.

He has not placed the Pollard issue at the forefront of his dealings with the United States, and supporters of Pollard are not too hopeful regarding Olmert’s willingness to push the Pollard issues too far.

Pollard supporters continue to point out that over the years, including during the Olmert administration, there have been numerous opportunities to link Pollard’s release to compliance with American interests in the Mideast.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

17 Responses

  1. Of course he was invited. Olmert is a puppet for the Bush policies regarding Israel. After ALL the terrorists Olmert released, and Bush NEVER saying even once that Israel should not do so as it would defeat America’s stated efforts in fighting terrorism in the Middle East, at least, maybe, Pollard will be freed, with G-d’s help.

  2. This perhaps is Olmert’s only saving grace to leave any legacy of note. He is best known for being Mr. Give-away (Gaza etc and promising more) without getting anything in return. …and you know it may just work. Bush is more of a mench than any of his predecessors (when it comes to jews and Israel) and may be inclined to just do it.

  3. In todays aliyah it says – Vayaitzai Yitzchok losuach basodeh – which its brought down that he was misaken tefilas mincho – the clai yokor says that he was likely davening for shidduch and his tefilas were answered right away. It would be a good idea if we can all make extra effort to have more kavonoh in todays mincha and add Jonathan Pollard to our bakoshos

  4. I assume that all who have posted here, have already called the white house and urged their friends and family to do the same.
    If not that is a better use of your time then weighing in with your two cents.

  5. Sadly there is a lot of naivety regarding J Pollard.
    The only request Olmert has to President Bush is, please DO NOT release Pollard!
    The sad but true issue is, that the Government of Israel, (not the people of Israel) would rather Pollard die in jail…

  6. #15, you are so right. The leftist government of Israel are desperate for Pollard to stay right where he is for obvious reasons. The only Israeli Prime Minister who really tried to free him (and almost managed) was right-wing Bibi Netanyahu. He got a promise from Clinton to release Pollard in return for signing the Wye Accords. Clinton reneged on his promise when George Tenet (then Chief of CIA) threatened to resign if Pollard is released. EVERY other PM has done his best to keep Pollard right where he is!

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