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Update: No Attempted Arson to Agudah Office on Press Street

g.jpgOn Tuesday, YWN learned that Israel Police has no record of a reported arson attempt against an Agudas Yisrael office on Press Street in Yerushalayim. YWN and other agencies reported the attempted attack earlier in the week, bases on usual reliable sources.

There have been many post-election related stories that have not been published, due to an inability to confirm their accuracy. It now appears that the rumors are flying, and the sinas chinam following the turmoil in the chareidi world is indeed responsible for more than a small share of the rumors and unfortunately, actual attacks such as against Yitzchak Litzman and Yisrael Porush. Others have been threatened and tempers are flaring as each person insists his actions are in the name of “Kavod HaTorah”.

On a positive note, Kol Chai Radio on Tuesday night devoted an hour to permit callers to speak their minds, seeking suggestions as to ways to lower the fires and “permit members of Knesset to get down from their tall trees” and make sholom with one another.

With the general election on the horizon, scheduled for February 10th, it is imperative that the chareidi world in Eretz Yisrael finds a way to unite towards the common goal, or chas v’sholom face the dire consequences following the general election, as is the case today in Yerushalayim. In addition to losing the election, there is the matter of the major chilul Hashem caused by the actions of the chareidi community.

Once again, YWN is being extremely cautious in its reports, and its Israel Bureau has passed up more than a number of enticing stories due to an inability to confirm them with the awareness unscrupulous people in each camp have an agenda and are seeking to use the media to advance their own personal agendas, contrary to the wishes and instructions of gedolei yisrael.

One final example is the recently reported attack against Yisrael Porush. While he was assaulted, Baruch Hashem he was not seriously injured but there are versions of the story circulating that describe “knife-wielding thugs dressed in garb of Gerrer Chassidim”. The younger Porush in his description of the event never stated the assailants were affiliated with or appeared to be affiliated with any sect or stream, and it is imperative during these days following elections that everyone takes extra care before repeating or circulating stories which unfortunately feed the fire of hatred in Am Yisrael.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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