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Wallis Sentenced to 6 Years in Prison

court hammer5.jpgAvreich Yisrael Wallis, 21, was sentenced to six years in prison and a two-year suspended sentence on Tuesday in the Jerusalem District Court.

As was reported by YWN, Wallis allegedly caused the death of his infant son when he shook him violently, resulting in cranial trauma.

Justice Chana Ben-Ami in her verdict stated “the son of the defendant only had three months of life in this world. His crying and desire for attention and other’s concern and care led to his death.”

The incident occurred about two years ago, when the then 19-year-old new father was alone at home during the evening with his son. The infant allegedly disturbed his sleep and he picked him up and began violently shaking him, leading to his head striking a wall. He fought to stay alive for eight days in the hospital but died of his internal bleeding.

During his trial, the various versions of the event were recalled by doctors who treated the baby.

Ben-Ami found him not guilty of abuse due to a lack of concrete evidence. The court accepted the version that bruises to the infant’s body, including his neck, may have resulted from resuscitation efforts.

During his recent appearance in court as a character witness on Wallis’ behalf, Meir Porush cited his “outstanding accomplishment in learning Torah,” adding “we have high expectations for him”. The elder Porush, Rav Menachem, Meir’s father, also called upon the court to be merciful in its verdict.

Justice Ben-Ami pointed out that at no time during the proceedings did the defendant express remorse or exhibit pain regarding his actions.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

20 Responses

  1. bacci40, do you know that there are people who are unaware that shaking a baby can be really bad news. Without even knowing the details of the case, it seems obvious to me that this 19 year old new father, very likely did NOT intend to murder or even harm his own child, R”L L”A.

    May we all know simchas and be zoche to bias goel tzedek bimheira viyameinu, Amein.

  2. i wonder if the sanhedrin itself in the time of the beis hamikdash would have found this fellow to be guilty of murdering his child, would Joseph and others here would be crying out “its just because he’s chareidi!” “the corrupt sanhedrin (ch”v) is out to get him and his erliche’ family!” etc., etc??

    we hear these same excuses whenever it comes to any case of “frum” people committing crimes(“an erliche’ yid would never do this!!” “its all a lie!!”)

    to each and every person on here who reads story after story day in and day out about (supposedly) frum, erliche’ yiddin committing terrible crimes – i DO understand why your instinct is to be in denial and to not believe and defend these people. we do believe that all yiddin who have studied torah and are part of our communities are good people who would never do such things.
    But its time to WAKE UP!! for many reasons, the reality is that nowadays R”L erliche yiddin are involved in many serious crimes!! this is REALITY, as reported right here on YWN. the question now is how to deal with this problem. and let me give you a clue – DENIAL and justification only make the problem worse, not better.

    so, to Joseph and everyone else here who is writing to support and defend this CONVICTED (not simply accused) murderer (of his own infant child no less!), i suggest you study the story of R’ Amram found in the gemara kiddushin 81a. to sum it up, R’ Amram was in a compromising position and was tempted to do a big aveirah, and right before he did it, he called out ‘Fire in Amram’s house!!’ so that people would come running over, and therefore see him in this compromised position, thereby embarrassing him and preventing him from completing the aveirah he was tempted by.
    R’ amram then told the people who walked in on him that even though this event made him embarrassed (since he was caught about to do an aveirah), “it is better to be embarrassed (of an aveirah) in this world than to be embarrassed of it in the next world”

    i think that many of us need to think about this idea for a while. r’ amram (one of our holy amoraim) teaches us that it’s better to admit and face our failures/mistakes in public, rather than covering them up. the reason is because (obviously), one of the greatest deterrents (in this world) for not doing aveiros is that we don’t want others to know about it and think badly of us. if we cover things up, justify, and excuse them, we only perpetuate the aveiros that are going on, and as a result, we will have more to answer for in the next world.

  3. Trumped up charged against an innocent man, by the corrupt zionist machine

    wow, what a conspiracy, when even the defense attorney agrees with the prosecution’s premise:

    הסנגור, מנגד, עמד באריכות על כי האירוע בו הורשע הנאשם הוא חריג למסלול חייו ולמערכת היחסים בינו לבין יצחק ז”ל. לשיטתו, הפגיעה בתינוק נעשתה ב”רגע של מצוקה. רגע חולף של אבדן שליטה ושל התנהגות זרה לחלוטין לאופי ולמהות של הנאשם”

    Nobody argues that this man’s actions weren’t the direct cause of his baby’s death.,

  4. i don’t get it? if the judge didn’t find him guilty of manslaughter, why the six yrs? n if he did, why only six yrs? what was the exact verdict? very unclear from the article.

  5. There are a slew of chosheva rabonim and gedoilim who are/were involved in the case…what they said happen is that the child fell from the fathers hand and rl had a trauma…the court system lynched him…i am shocked by your reporting of the story…

    ( on another note i also didnt like the inflamatory headline you printed last week [st rabin ]….

  6. What Kind of crazy statement is that “that at no time during the proceedings did the defendant express remorse or exhibit pain regarding his actions”??????
    There is almost no greater pain than a father losing his young child! I am sure that the father was suffering the greatest amount of pain and angish imaginable! and if this obviously fellingless justice chose not to notice those feelings she is not worthy of judging such a case!
    As for regrewt for a crime commited’ there is no need to show regret for a crime which he had not comitted. If anything there would have been great regret that he was being chrged – rather “FRAMED” for something he was totaly not guilty of.
    May Hashem redeem all the people of Israel from all thier suffering Bimhera Biyomenu!!

  7. Hakatan, you mean to tell me that this guy didnt realize that shaking his baby into a frenzy would lead to…uh some bad stuff like, say death? how bout hitting the 3 month old baby’s head against a wall? Im not saying it was pre-meditated murder, he was probably tired, angry, frustrated, and alot of other things, but lots of people are parents, and dont shake their babies to death. so as both a parent and a doctor i find it hard to believe that this was done out of pure “naivete” and ignorance. 6 years seems like he got let off pretty easily, compared to the punishments for similar henious crimes committed in the US

  8. Iam very familiar with this famous case. They really tried as hard as they could to make tzaros for this father who feels bad enough as it is for causing such an unfortunate accident.

  9. there is no such a thing as JAIL in Torah law
    Shogeg AV potur megolus .
    Meizid Chayuv Misa with EIdim and Hasrah .
    but not Jail

  10. #2 – Hello Yosi. Three questions:

    First, what evidence do you have to support the allegation that the charges in this case were “trumped up?”

    Second, how do you explain the “Zionist” agenda including trumping up child abuse allegations?- and

    Third, do you deny that there is a problem of under-reporting of child abuse in many religious communities, including the Klal?


  11. dont worry — he’ll be released when olmert sends other prisoners to abbas

    (above sarcasm about olmert — not about a probably improper imprisoned person)

  12. “Ben-Ami found him not guilty of abuse due to a lack of concrete evidence. The court accepted the version that bruises to the infant’s body, including his neck, may have resulted from resuscitation efforts.”


  13. to # 17. it seems there were two charges brought against him. One was for abuse, since they found bruises that seemed to indicate that the baby had been abused aside for the shaking incident. The other was for shaking and killing the baby. He was cleared of abuse because the bruises were attributed to something else. He was still found guilty of shaking and killing the baby.

  14. To SYCML

    Under American Criminal Law there is such a concept known as wreckless endangerment. If you drive your car 90 mph down 13th Avenue – even if you do not intend to hurt anyone – you will be found guilty of wreckless engdangerment and serve time if you do hurt someone. A person who is a father, I do not care how old he is, has the responsibility to know not to shake an infant to death.

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