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Gaza Crossings Remain Closed – Humanitarian Aid Continues

Twelve Kassam rockets landed in southern Israel on Monday, with one landing a few feet away from the Kibbutz Magen home of 83-year-old Shoshana Muterson.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak continues to announce that he will not tolerate rocket attacks and Gaza crossings will remain closed. On Monday for example, 33 trucks carrying humanitarian aid crossed from Israel into Hamas-controlled Gaza via the Kerem Shalom Crossing and today, Tuesday, UN Relief & Works Agency (UNRWA) workers will be operating in Gaza to distribute aid to Gaza residents.

Muterson, who is confined to a wheelchair, was in her home when the warning siren signaled an incoming rocket on Monday. Her home is not fortified, and she was alone, realizing there is little she can do. “I distanced myself from the window and crouched in my wheelchair and waited for the explosion.”

The rocket came a few seconds later, landing adjacent to her home, resulting in significant damage, but Baruch Hashem, she was physically uninjured.

Danny Barzilai, the kibbutz’s secretary called on the national government to approve fortifying their homes to protect them against attacks. “We may not permit 80-year-old woman to remain defenseless like a duck in a shooting range,” he added.

Since November 1st, 42 Kassam rockets, 4 Grad Katyusha rockets, and 91 mortar shells were fired into southern Israel from Hamas-controlled Gaza. DM Barak continues to release statements that Hamas is genuinely interested in keeping the ceasefire.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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