Bet Shemesh: Agudah Mandate Moves to Labor

Election officials on Monday night announced that the fifth Agudah seat in Bet Shemesh is moving over to the Labor Party, which means Belzer representative, Mordechai Direnfeld, is not on the city council.

Following the final tabulation of all votes and as a result of surplus vote agreements, an additional seat moves to Labor at the expense of Agudah. Labor now has two mandates. The move was approved by the Interior Ministry.

Direnfeld is a well know askan in Bet Shemesh, and has established a shul and a mikve for Belzer Chassidim in the city. In the meantime, Degel HaTorah election experts are reviewing the data, confident the Interior Ministry has erred.

Direnfeld also reported on Monday that he paid a visit to the Belzer Rebbe Shlita for a bracha, and was told “it is too early for rejoicing.” On Monday night he said, “Now I understand”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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