Sruli Porush Attacked as Post-Election Violence Continues

141.jpgOn Sunday evening, Yisrael Porush, a son of Meir Porush who recently lost in his Jerusalem mayoral bid, received a phone call on his cellular telephone, with the caller asking his whereabouts.

Sruli, who was elected as a deputy mayor in Elad, had just completed moving from Yerushalayim to Elad, the Chadrei Chadarim report explains. He told the caller that he is in Yerushalayim, on Yirmiyahu Street, near number 60. Shortly thereafter, a number of people in chassidish garb appeared on the scene and shouted epithets which are not usually heard from frum yidden. They threatened him and began hitting him. They fled the scene and according to the victim; he was in considerable pain after sustaining a number of blows to the back.

Following attacks against Rav Yaakov Litzman last week and then again on Shabbos in Meah Shearim, this is another case of post election violence which does not seem to have ended despite calls from admorim and rabbonim to refrain from violence. Unfortunately the situation is likely to flare up as the frum community prepares for the Feb. 10th general election.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

32 Responses

  1. The Brisker Rov was right; if you take from the Medina they will destroy you. This type of sinas chinum we haven’t seen since the time of the Bayis
    Sheynie. This whole fight started over money and kovod. Rabbosai – are these things worth so much, more than the coming of Moshiach?

  2. Mi kiamcha Yisroel, a few nuts with nothing to do, out of hundreds of thousands of Yidden act like fools and Klal Yisroel is embarrased and humiliated, Rabbonim and Admorim are asking them to stop. Chillul Hashem is NEVER to be tolerated!! Ashreichem Yisroel!! Let us show HKB’H that we are the Am of Hakol Kol Yaakov and be zoche to the Nachalah Bli Mitzorim Bvias Goel Tzedek BB’Amen!!

  3. Madness. This has got to stop. The Gerre Rebbe along with the other Admorim and Rabbonim have to come out against this immediately.

    Klal Yisroel doesn’t need these meshigasen!

  4. Why is #1 – the Slammer – blaming the victim? The poor yid was “in considerable pain after sustaining a number of blows to the back,” so why add to his pain by blaming him, as if it’s his fault?

  5. Glders Green –You are right—Just like we heard Motzei Shabbos the Slonimer Rebbe Shlita protesting the violence against Litzman and forbidding these lone bandits entry to Slonim until they ask Mechila —WE ARE NOW WAITING FOR THE GERER REBBE TO DO THE SAME!!! That will be the end of these attacks!!!

  6. Number 6 is right, Number 4 is wrong.

    Some Rabbonim are calling for this to stop, some are silent. You can learn a lot about people from this.

  7. to #1
    yisroel porush is always involved in helping people in many ways. probably the caller [sounding chareidi…] said he needed some help…& can he meet him asap…

    it doesnt take a very smart man to think of this & many similar scenerios, to understand y yisroel answered as he did

  8. The dye has been cast by all of you who support organizations like Vaad Mishmeres Hatznios, and who vilify and demonize those who disagree with you.

    You have taught others with your deeds and with your words that the Torah allows, or even demands violence, verbal and physical, by true believers in vigilant defense of Toras Emes.

    So how can anybody be surprised if this destructive anti-Torah mindset results in something like this.

    Nebuch – shame on all of you who contribute to such a travesty of Torah.

  9. The Brisker Rov was right; if you take from the Medina they will destroy you. This type of sinas chinum we haven’t seen since the time of the Bayis

    This has nothing to do with the MEDINA or with ZIONISM, these are thugs who have never properly learned the mitzvohs ben adam lechavero.

  10. #9 Concerned member. I agree with you that everyone needs to condemn these acts of chillul Hashem in the loudest form possibly. I was only stating that we need to see the silver lining in that we don’t have wide spread violence. We are Bnei Yaakov and we need to teach and preach to the bored and boorish few that we will not tolerate violence!!
    #15 is right, we need to realize the greater bad that comes out of trying to be Tzaddik Yoser.

  11. To Pashuteh Yid,
    Don’t be ashamed to be a frum yid, because you’re not! I don’t know what sinas chinum you’re refering to, but I’ll assume from your comment -Yeshivshe to Frey and bnai akiva. I assume you’re bnai akiva from they way you talk, but why would you clump chiloni with bnai akiva? Do you consider
    yourself not-frum like them? And the hatred towards the frei in EY isn’t sinas chinum, it’s because they are Kofrim. Where does bnai akiva fit in here? You must have brought it in just to curse out the right wing. You’re the one with Sinas Chinum.
    To Sayitlikeitis,
    This has everything to do with the Medinah;
    the fight started over money and kovod. The money comes from the Medinah and the kovod comes from holding a political office in the Medinah.

  12. #17 – You take it too far, I think, Pashuteh Yid . . . I beseech you to feel no shame for being a Torah Jew.

    What we need to do is begin to have an open, public discussion about the some serious problems that exist in too much of the Klal – intolerance, lack of business ethics, abuse of public assistance programs – and why it for so long it has beem ossur to even talk about them.

  13. # 21 – Health

    Shkoyach – I have copied and pasted your comments into an email to a distribution list, and I will use it in a talk I will be giving –

    Your comments are THE perfect example of so much that is so wrong. I simply could not have constructed a better example of a hateful stupid diatribe.

    By the way . . . have you ever heard of the inyun known to some as Ahavas Yisroel?

    Thanks again

  14. Ger obviously made a big mistake, but we need to move on and forgive, because the “sinah” is getting out of hand. After all said and done, they are a group of frum yidden. Weren’t we taught the value of Mechila?
    Are we as “ehrlich yidden” allowed to hate to such a degree?

  15. To Sayitlikeitis,
    This has everything to do with the Medinah;
    the fight started over money and kovod. The money comes from the Medinah and the kovod comes from holding a political office in the Medinah.

    I will stand strong and erect and vote as the gedolim (rav shach, r.steinman, r. yosef, r. elyashuv, etc.) have deemed correct. This is sinas chinom and violence in the strongest terms, do we beat up the rich and those who have offical positions of kavod when we disagree with their POV?

  16. Re #28 Pashuteh Yid – As long as we keep in mind that in addition to being a “good person” – we have to be a “good Jew.”

    By that I mean we have to keep the Torah and Mitzvos as well as “…being kind and civilized…towards all…”

    I once heard a Rav put it this way – one cannot be a good Jew without being a good person . . . but the world is full of good people who, nebuch, are not good Jews.

  17. Golda Meir once said that more than Jews fighting Arabs, more than Chillonim fighting Datiim, what she was afraid of most was Haredim fighting Haredim! This is reason enough that Haredim should never be called up in to Zahal & trained with weapons, as they might use that knowledge against eachother ch”v: “The Wars of the Jews part 2”!

  18. To Yonason & Pashuteh yid,
    You retired libs are on the verge of senility.
    My diatribe only started after I was attacked by you libs.
    “#3, Punkt farkert, when sinas chinam is permitted against any group of Jews, frum or not-frum, the terrible midah will spread to cause fights between frum and frum. Can anyone imagine Rav Kook’s talmidim acting this way? ”
    Explain this comment to me. I took it that you were clumping Mizrachi (or what I call bnai akiva) together with the frei Israelis. If you didn’t mean that please explain yourself. Also, maybe nowadays most of the frei are tinnokos snishbu, but at the time the Medinah started, these Jews were Kofrim. Let me explain my original comment – all this fighting was mostly about who will be the mayor and who will get the money for certain things. If the frum Jews would have stayed away from the Israeli politics and govn’mt like the Brisker Rov said, none of this frum vs. frum fighting would be occuring now!
    To #25, You are sick – stop speaking motzay shem rah. As much as you hate those places and you might know some people like that there, you have no right to speak on the whole community that way!

  19. Did these boys get punished? who are their parents? who will be mechaneich the nebech children that have their hashkafos mixed up?

  20. Health,
    You are a joke!
    While I have no opinion in this, I would like to point out that you bashmutzed millions of people in 1 sentence, by slamming Zionists (which I happen to not be one). Then you called “#25 NeveAliza” sick for writing her feelings (which most of us here agree with) about a group of 30,000.
    My friend, you cant have it both ways. Sinah is sinah. A frum Yid is not more important in HKB”H eyes than a frei Yid. Our nishomois come from the same EXACT spot, as can be seen in most chasidishe sforim.

  21. To Yochi,
    Your misinterpertation of chassidus is pathetic. It is a mitzvah to hate Kofrim; it’s an aveirah to hate frum Jews. That said, I will reiterate what I said before – Most frei jews nowadays even in EY, have a din of tinnuk snisbu and I don’t hate them, just feel sorry for them, like I do for you.
    To Pashuteh Yid,
    Your warped thinking is pathetic! I can’t say what Rav Kook’s shita is because I am not versed in the Mizrachi shita, but I can tell you what most of the Gedolim held. I personally believe like Satmar & Brisk and others since it was started with Kefira you should stay far away even nowadays. But even the Agudah with all the Gedolim
    back then held that the Medinah was Kefirah, but they said- now that the Medinah is here let’s try to see if we can join them to make positive changes in the way of the Torah! They never meant or held to give a hechsher or hascomah on the Medinah! As far as chinuch of my kids -that is exactly how I teach them – the Medinah started with Kfirah but most nowadays are tinnuk snisbu and shouldn’t be hated. Even if you tell me that Rav Kook held that the Medinah is kosher, acc. to Halacha you wouldn’t be able to go with his shita.
    He would be a Yochid and Yochid V’rabbim Halacha K’rabbim!

  22. To Pasuteh Yid,
    I really don’t understand your analogy to basketball or to even a non-frum Jew because like I said most non-frum jews are tinnuk snishbu.
    Look I wasn’t living yet at the time they created the Medinah, but what I heard was that the Medinah was created by Kofrim. Whether they were Kofir in Hashem or another mitzvah I don’t know, but they should have known better. Nowadays, most frei can’t or couldn’t know better, because they never were exposed to real Judaism.
    I think that is why the BT movement esp. in EY is so sucessful, because once these people are exposed -they start doing the right thing. But in the beginning of the Medinah (40-50’s,) the tzionim were very successful the other way around.
    There are many stories how they took thousands of frum Jews (new immigrants) and practically forced them to become frei. The most notorius is what they did to the Yemenites. Dealing with reality that something exists (the Medinah) doesn’t mean you are giving a hechsher that it should exist!

  23. To Pashuteh yid,
    I’m not denying that there where people in the 1800’s that were tinnuk snishbu. But the people who started the reform or haskalah or zionist movements had a din of kofrim. They should have known better. And for the third time, most Frei Jews nowadays are tinnuk snishbu.
    BTW, I did my own research and thinking, maybe you should try some independent research and thinking.
    I was related to someone who was one of the founders of a org. created by the gedolim back in the 50’s to combat the tzionim. (religous combat-not physical)
    The Tzionim went out of their way to make sure that Jews immigrating to Israel would stop practicing their religion. They did this mainly with the Yeminites, but others too. They did this on purpose and to thousands of Jews. They held in order for their Medinah to flourish -the Jews had to leave their religion in the old world. This is why the gedolim decided to make an organization to stop this and make BT’s. Since then the BT movement is big business.
    As far as Hakoras Hatov, before the Medinah- the English gov’mt had an army that protected Jews. No one asked them to switch the gov’mt with the creation of their state. Also, I’m still waiting for any Israeli leader, who isn’t frum, to recognize that there are two fronts in every battle. Rav Shach z”l told someone that there are two fronts -one by the battlefield -the other in the Bais Medrash. One without the other- wouldn’t be able to succeed!

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